2. La. 🔞Di.

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"You are determine to talk, so shoot, what is it?"

Jungkook had learned the tricks to bother the fuck out of someone (thank the heavens for bringing Kim Taehyung to the world to help in situations like this). He fucked with Yoongi every chance he got until Yoongi snatched him up and yanked him to vacant classroom no one had ever went used. All it consisted of was books, tables from the new lab that didn't fit there and cabinets. But surprisingly, it was clean though.

Jungkook smirk came fully exposed to Yoongi, he knew he had successfully fuck with the kid.

"I wanted to talk to you a week ago and you didn't want to. Now you wanna talk, I don't think I want to anymore."

"Jungkook you've pissed me off all week and I have low tolerance for bullshit. If you got something to say that is so fucking important then say the shit cause I don't want to get suspended cause I beat your ass for wasting my time."

Jungkook sat down on top of desk in the corner of the classroom. The room had become quiet, even the halls were relatively silent, probably hinting that it was lunch time.

"I want to know the reason why you laugh at me and think your better than me when you're not?"

Yoongi tilted his head as he watched Jungkook, "What are you talking about?"

"Everyone knows I am not good at English and that the teacher is a prick to me and you like the rest laugh at the shit like it's a comedy skit. And you talk all the time, when you do, as if you're better than the rest and act as if we're all beneath you. Well Yoongi, let me be the first to tell you that you're no better than the others in this school and me. You aren't shit and you damn sure ain't smarter than me."

Yoongi just stood near the wall and looked at Jungkook with confusion and slight irritation.

He watched as Yoongi walked gracefully toward him and stood there, right in front of his legs.

"You think I laugh at you cause I think you're beneath me?"

Jungkook nodded at him, his feelings clouded, never having a male stand so close with such intimidating eyes.

"Well I will be the first to tell you that I am smarter than you academically cause I don't see you ranked number 1 in your class. And I have never said 'Jungkook I am better than you' to your face. I don't get why that came out of your mouth. I could honestly give a fuck what you get on your test or in his damn class."

"So why do you laugh at me?"

"Cause your facial expressions are funny. You make me laugh. That's hard to do but you make it happen. I could sit there and be listening to Kendrick in one ear and hear that asshole of a teacher call on you and your face will turn hella colors and give off heck of expressions as if you have to set the mood of how you feel about this situation cause it's obvious that you weren't paying attention. I just find you interesting."

Jungkook tried to get up but Yoongi pushed him back onto the desk and walked closer till he was right in between his legs.

"Now I have a question for you and you're going to answer since you made me miss lunch for this."

Jungkook remained silent as the older male stood over him.

"Why out of everyone laughing, you chose me to come to, huh ?"

Jungkook turned his head to look at the wall. In all honesty, he didn't know why he had felt anger towards the male. He had never once talked to him or held eye contact with him. He did for one, think it was intriguing to watch though but he wouldn't say that to Yoongi. Not while their so close to each other.

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