6. Da. ?Di.

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"What's up," Yoongi asked as he laid beside Jungkook's body in his queen size bed.

Jungkook turn his body so he he could look up to him in his face. He watched how prefect Yoongi looked from this angle, tan skin, relaxed expression. He stayed quiet as he stared up at the older male, Yoongi finally let his dark eyes glance down to look at Jungkook fully.

"I think that we should take a break."

His words felt wrong leaving his mouth, rolling off his tongue slow; they felt heavy. It felt bitter to the taste and it felt like it was more lethal coming out than he wanted even if he said it lowly.

He waited for Yoongi's reaction but the male above him never moved to show he even heard or acknowledged his words that took him forever to say.

His eyes were still casted down onto him and they didn't seem to show change in action or any features. He still seemed neutral as if the words were never said, let Jungkook said nothing at all.

"Yoongi did you-"

"No," Yoongi said simply as he rolled over, letting his arms move from around his boyfriend's body to face away from him. He let his body lay completely down.

Jungkook looked at the male next to him as confusion mainly set in his mind. He remained staring at him wondering what was the no to. Was it to him hearing what he said or was it to answer him? Jungkook just laid there staring hard into the semi muscled back of his lover.


Nothing but slow even breathing coming from his boyfriend.


"What," he asked as he pushed his head further into his black pillow.

"I think we need to take a-"

"I heard you the first time."

"Sooo," he said as he felt the bed move.

He was no longer looking at his back and now his eyes were staring dead at his lover and he felt his blank stare. He knew that Yoongi would be somewhat difficult with things like this but he needed him to listen to him.

"We're not breaking up at all. Get it out of your head."

Jungkook just stared at his face, mostly trying to process his words. Yoongi let those words slip from his mouth like they were going to be set in stone. He couldn't let him think this, they both needed this break if they didn't want to hurt later from the distance.

"Why do you wanna break up so bad anyways? I stopped fucking picking fun at Taehyung three months ago, what else did I do wrong?"

Jungkook moved his body till he was slowly getting out the bed, his hair disheveled and his body rattled with marks from their night together. He closed his eyes as he tried to gather the words up to tell his lover but everytime he thought of it, it made no sense.

No sense at all and he knew that Yoongi was going to say the same thing about it.

"You and I are going two different places. You have a business to run and uphold a lot of important things on your shoulders while I have college three hours from here. I'm in the way of that cause you should take this opportunity that is sitting right in front of you. Instead, you rather give it all up for what? Me? I wouldn't be able to live with myself if that's what you choose."

"Is that your decision to make though," Yoongi questioned as he now propped his body up to stare at his boyfriend?

Jungkook sighed to himself as he turned his body away from Yoongi. He wasn't even trying to understand where he was coming from, he was trying to help. Well at least that's what he thought he was helping.

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