3. Di.

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"So, you went blank on me, what the fuck Jungkook," his best friend said to him with his hand placed on his shoulders.

Jungkook laid there with his eyes closed thinking back to the day that they had brought up those years before. He still couldn't stop the goosebumps that flowed over his tanned skin as he hummed to his friend next to him. He didn't want to forget about that day but he also didn't want to repeat the endless thoughts through his mind as his close friend sat close by. It would turn more awkward than it had already gotten.

"Jungkook, I know you not over here thinking about the dick? Was it that good," he asked the last part in silence more to himself.

Jungkook opened his eyes finally and turned his head to his friend to give a look to him. Jungkook pushed his hand off his shoulder and sat up all the way up so he could look down at his friend.

"Really Jimin," Jungkook asked with a eyebrow cocked up high?

"Yes, if his dick got you in a whole trance from four years ago, it must of been some good shit."

Jungkook turned his face trying to hold a straight face with his friend but he couldn't. It was his first time and that was why he cherished it. He remembered it all, every touch because back then, little things meant more than they did now. He had those hidden feelings and desires and Yoongi brought them out of him. He wanted to have Yoongi in every way. He knew that he fucked up back then cause he was stuck to a male that fucked him up totally.

It scared him then and now.

"So you got to finish, when did you guys get together?"

"That wasn't your original question," he started off pointing down at his friend.

Jimin rolled his eyes and sat up, "Oh come on Kookie, you can't start with something that juicy and not continue with the shit."

Jungkook sighed to himself. He knew Jimin wasn't going to stop at all, he wanted to know and that was all too it. So he let his pride go to the side and repeated the memories that stood fresh in his mind.

"After we fucked in the bathroom, Yoongi started talking to this girl in the same class as us."


Jungkook put his head down as his fingers gripped the skin of his arm, "He... me and him got close together and talked when he felt like talking. It was like we were slightly friends you could say if you saw it. I would seat next to him when we left class cause he would grab my arm and drag me to the lunch table. I wasn't mad at it, I wanted him to guide the situation because this was all new to me. I didn't know what was going on with my mind but I knew I just wanted to be around him. At first, I thought it was the dick that had me like that but no. When this girl came to the table, smiling and happy saying she was back, something kind of ticked. It had been a month since we did what we had done and I had grew attached to him talking to me and hanging with me but her, she pissed me off. I watched as she hugged him and he let her, he wasn't bothered by her hugs, he looked content. He looked happy to see her by turning to her and talking to her, not deciding to introduce me to her or even look my way. She even looked at me but didn't say anything."

Jimin just stared at his friend let his emotions out to him, something he wasn't there to witness had him a little upset but he stay quiet. He watched Jungkook turn to stare up to the ceiling like he had done before hand.

"He started walking with her and hanging with her and I was left to be alone. Taehyung was sick that week and I wasn't really social with anyone else so I sat by myself. I found out from texting Taehyung about the girl and he told me that her and Yoongi grew up together. She was the total opposite of him, and he latched to her cause she kept coming to him. He told me to just find something to do and don't focus on him, saying that Yoongi would notice that you're not there," Jungkook laughed a little to himself, "It took him three weeks to even come to me. Our first time talking was our first altercation."

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