7. Di.

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*see bottom for A/N thanks, also sorry this is long over due

Jimin laughed at the words coming from Jungkook's mouth.

"You fucking thought you goddamn-"

"Okay the slander isn't necessary at all," Jungkook said as he raised his hand to signal Jimin to stop the laughing.

"You thought you were going to leave his crazy ass and you ended up getting fucked against the wall."

Jungkook got off the male's lap all together and gave a look to his cackling best friend. He remembered that day as if it was the day before, like the words still stayed with him and felt dumber now than when he had said them.

"I never said we fucked afterwards, he wanted it to happen."

"So you're telling me that you stopped him this first time when he has you all hot and bothered?"

He opened his mouth to respond just so he could shut his best friend up for good tonight but, heard the door opening up. The door down the hall from where they were.

Jimin's face turned sour quickly as he stared at Jungkook now.

"Who is that," he whispered to Jungkook as he saw Jungkook looking at the door.

"Really Jimin," he responded to him without looking his way, his focus was if he would come into the room.

Jimin sighed to himself as he saw that his best friend was in a whole different world, his mind now putting two and two together: Yoongi was here.

"He has a key now? When did this happen?"

Jungkook winced at the high voice screaming at him for answers.

"He got it once he got back."

When those words left his mouth, his door opened slowly and he saw the older man making his way into the room.

"So you are here. I heard something but I thought it was the tv since you leave it on all the time," Yoongi said as he stared at his boyfriend from the door frame, his eye then turn to see the other person next to him, "Oh fuck he's here again."

Jimin smirked at Yoongi's reaction and said as he turned his head to look at Jungkook, " Come sit Yoongi, Jungkook's having a story time."

"I wasn't talking about anything imp-"

Yoongi walked further into the room and let his eyes focus on Jungkook. He made his way smoothly over to both males as his boyfriend was trying to clear the story that Jimin had put into the air. He didn't want Yoongi to know what they had been talking about when he was off doing whatever he was doing.

"The main question is, was it about me cause I don't feel comfortable being the topic when in the area of Jimin or Taehyung?"

Jimin's smirk slowly turned into an annoyed look that changed to an even drier facial expression, "Ha, you're not that special. But we were talking about how you and Jungkook-"


Yoongi and Jimin both turned their heads to stare at one another, not trying to see the goofy look Jungkook was possibly holding after letting those words out.

"We didn't make cookies last night," Yoongi said with confusion laced in his tone.

Jimin's mouth twisted, trying to hold in his laugh as his mind started to race with things to say to fuck with Jungkook.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2020 ⏰

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