Where were you?

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A/N-This  picks up where First Date Reboot left off. FYI-long read.

Standing in the elevator beside Prince, his arm around her waist, was too reminiscent of the past for Sofia. Prince could feel her getting more and more tense. He didn't get it. 'Something bothering you, babe?'

Sofia gave up on creating a lie, and went with the truth. 'Are you that dense? You really don't remember what happened the last time I was here? Valentine's day? The Beautiful Experience? Feeling like I was betrayed in public? Being locked out?'

Prince's voice tightened defensively in response to what he interpreted as an attack. 'Wait, what do you mean, locked out? I never locked you out. Let's go have this conversation sitting down. Come on.'

Prince took her by the hand and led her into Paisley, heading straight for the Little Kitchen, through the atrium, just as he had their first night together. 'Sorry, no starlight this time,' he remarked, looking at her with a smirk to lighten the mood while trying to make sense of the last thing she said. Once they were through the glass doors, he gently turned her around and helped her out of her coat, relishing the opportunity to move her silky curls while gathering her coat and scarf. Hanging the coats on a coatrack, he led her to the sofa facing the tv where he had watched so many basketball games, wishing she was next to him. He smiled to himself, thinking his wish had come true. His smile did not result in a returned smile from the face he cherished. Motioning to the solid, comfortable looking sofa, he silently requested they be seated. Then he turned to her, took her hands, and requested, 'Explain the last part. The part about being locked out.'

'If you remember, we moved me back to my apartment Valentine's evening, after we made up from our fight. You made sure I had a very romantic day.'

'I remember making up from our fight. By the way, you were absolutely right, I was out of line doing that stage business with Mayte, and I'm still sorry about it,' Prince interrupted. 'Making up was epic, though. I didn't know you had learned so much from me until that night.'

Sofia blushed. She remembered that night as well. She had never taken the lead before, never pleasured a man the way she pleasured Prince that night. Swallowing her embarrassment, she continued. 'I was so hopeful we could make it work when I kissed you goodbye at my door, after you got my clothes moved back. We spent our last few hours in my bed, so, as you said, 'You'll get to sleep with my scent, even if I'm not here. We can make this a Sunday evening tradition.'

Prince shook his head at the memory. 'I'd forgotten I said that,' he mused. 'I remember how well we broke in that bed, though.' He smiled beatifically to tease her further, which made Sofia whack him on the arm. 'Cut it out! That isn't the point. I need you to hear this.' She continued, 'The next few days were torture, because I didn't hear from you. I left voicemails on Wednesday and Thursday, but never heard back from you.' Prince looked confused, but didn't interrupt. Sofia took a deep breath and continued.

'On Friday, I drove out to Paisley with all my lesson plan materials on the passenger seat of the car, figuring that's where you'd be. When I got to the front gate, I realized the gate code had been changed. I rang the call box multiple times, but got no answer. So, I went to the house, where it was the exact same story. I waited in the car for awhile, but it was too cold. I felt angry and frustrated going back home, but I wasn't going to give up. I called once more, leaving a message about the gate codes and saying I'd see you Saturday.

'Saturday about noon I went back to the house. Nothing. So I headed over to Paisley Park, and was happy to see the gate open. I rang the doorbell, and someone let me in. I didn't see you when I first came in, so I figured you were in the studio. That's where I found you, kissing Mayte again. Her hands were busy unbuttoning your shirt. It freaked me out; I panicked and left. I went home crying my eyes out. I felt so betrayed. I left a couple of voicemails the next week, asking if we could get together and talk, at least. You never responded, so I figured that was your answer. Eventually I took off the ring you gave me, and boxed everything up. I couldn't part with anything you gave me, but it hurt too much to look at it.' Sofia's voice trailed off as she shook her head at the memory. She continued to look at the floor, afraid of what she'd see in Prince's eyes.

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