Third Date

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A/N-Photo by the amazing Steve Parke. If you don't have his book, you should buy it!

‘Does it have to be a meal? I’m not really very hungry,’ Sofia replied.

‘Now you sound like me,’ chuckled Prince. ‘What would you like? I know how you get when your blood sugar is low.’

‘Maybe a smoothie?’

‘Hold on, babe, I’m all over this.’ Prince walked Sofia into the kitchen and said, ‘Sit down and watch the master at work!’

‘Does this mean I have to call you Master?’ Sofia teased.

‘Nah.’ Prince shook his head, then looked at Sofia meaningfully. ‘Sir, or whatever you usually call me is fine,’ he smirked, turning back to the crisper drawer, where he pulled out bag after bag of vegetables and fruit. He then opened the freezer section and pulled out more fruit, to the point that Sofia remarked, ‘All that?’

‘I’m just checking to see what my options are,’ Prince replied. I like my smoothies to be balanced between veggies and fruit, so we get as much nutrition as possible.’

‘You're way more serious about this than I am. I just toss some frozen strawberries, a banana, and some protein powder in my blender with some coconut milk and call it good.

‘Coconut milk, huh?’ Prince raised an eyebrow.

‘You know my sweet tooth,’ Sofia blushed.

Prince opened the cooler again, found a carton of coconut milk, and wiggled his eyebrows. ‘Your every wish…’

Sofia belly laughed at his antics. Before she knew it, he'd made his choices, turned on the blender, which was too loud to speak over, put away the unused ingredients, and poured the contents into two large red disposable cups. Leaving the blender in the sink, he strolled over, looking very smug as he handed Sofia her cup, straw inserted and bent. ‘Prepare yourself,’ he teased. ‘There'll never be another like this.’

I hope not...was Sofia's initial reaction as the flavor registered. ‘This is really different,’ she said diplomatically, trying to figure out how she would finish the large serving before her.

‘If you're used to overly sweet things, this might take some adjustment,’ he replied. ‘It's better for you this way.’ Taking her hand, he pulled her after him to the elevator again.

I’m going to finish this, one way or the other, she thought, lengthening her stride to keep up.

‘Things are much more colorful than they were when I was here,’ she mentioned, commenting on the painted details throughout the complex and the colorful carpeting she’d noticed before.

‘True. One night my art director, Steve-you remember Steve, right?’ Sofia nodded in agreement. ‘Well, we spent a few hours dreaming up how cool things could look. Next thing you know, this was the result.’

‘I like it. It’s more joyful.’

‘It’s definitely more funky, which is what I wanted. I’m glad you like it.’

‘You’re just being nice.’ The smirk she got in return for her snark made it totally worth it.

Stepping off the elevator, Sofia asked, ‘What are we doing?’

‘You’ll see. Patience.’ He opened a door, and more memories came rushing back. They were in his office. She remembered hours spent listening, laughing, playing poker with the guys and Mayte. She never won, she was too easy to read. So many good times, she thought.

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