Second Date

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As they walked down the hallway toward the studio, the kitten following behind, Prince could feel Sofia starting to tense up.

He stopped, running his hands up and down her arms. 'Sofia, the only people here are you, me, and, well, her,' he said, gesturing toward the kitten, who was heading for the door where lights shone. He went in for a haze inducing kiss, which she welcomed. 'I don't believe in ghosts, and neither do you, I'll bet.' Another kiss punctuated that sentence. Now Sofia's eyes stayed closed, as her lips remained ready for more kisses. He whispered the last part, while pulling her close to him. 'Don't let memories of a bad day color the present, please?' This time he gave her lips a quick peck. 'Come on, babe,' he finished, taking her by the hand once again.

Walking into the studio, they laughed as they watched the kitten leap onto a chair and then the console, stalking up to a candle, then scooting away with an arched back as the scent hit its nose.

'This little girl is going to need a name. She has made herself at home!' Picking her up, he petted her dense, silky fur. 'Babe, sit right here.' He indicated one of the black studio chairs. After she was seated, Prince placed the kitten in her lap. The kitten circled around and curled herself into a spiral, long fluffy tail wrapped around her nose.

'Okay, I told you I had been inspired by you all along. I have some songs for you to hear. The first one I wrote on the Tuesday after you got settled on that Sunday. It's really from your perspective mostly.'

...I know you needed a little space,

I just want you, I just want you, I just want you right back here in my arms-Cause that's my only mission!

'Hmmm. I sorta get what you mean, but I'm not convinced.'

'That's cool. I have more. Lots more.

'These two haven't come out yet, but they'll be on an album soon.'

I've heard it said my lovers look alike. Could it be that I've been lookin' for you......
None of them got what it takes to be a future baby mama. Gotta bend with the wind but don't break, to keep your man.

When the song ended, Sofia said, 'That is so lush. It's a beautiful song.'

'This is one of my favorites, for the way the lyrics scan.'

If I never get to hold your hand
If I never get to be your man
That's ok cuz I've got other plans
Right now, right now

If I never get to kiss your lips
If I never get to feel your hips-Close to me
That's ok I ain't gonna trip
Not now no how
Cuz I've got Forever
Eternity is just one kiss away
So they say

The opera, Jill Scott or the fair
Cyprus, if I never get to take you swimming there
If you never know how much I care
I swear-It's not fair

If I never get to make you laugh
If we never get to take a bubble bath
I don't wanna part with you-Not tonight
If you gonna be a part of my past
I just want forever
Eternity is just one kiss away

'That's beautiful and sad. It sounds like you were giving up.'

'I sort of was. I was conflicted about trying to find you. I wrote this at about the same time.'

How beautiful are you? there's more than
A thousand replies
Could it be your lips or your golden eyes?
When I think of an answer
That's when I get so surprised
Another wonder of the world, realized
That's why

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