Happy Endings

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'Mr. Prince, telephone for you! They say it's urgent.'

'Take a number, tell them I'll call back in 30 minutes. If they say Paisley Park is on fire, come get me. Otherwise, whatever it is can wait half an hour.'

'Yes, Mr. Prince! Do you want me to tell you if nothing is on fire?'

'No, I'll assume it isn't until you tell me otherwise. Thank you, Hentley!'

'My pleasure, as always, Mr. Prince.' They could hear footsteps fading away.

Prince pecked Sofia on the nose. 'Where were we? Oh, yeah. I love you, Sofia.' He gently caressed her face while moving her disheveled hair behind her ear. 'I'm so glad I don't have to hold that in any longer.'

Sofia giggled. 'It is pretty wonderful. Knowing you love, and are loved in return, it doesn't get better that that, I think.'

'No, it doesn't,' replied Prince. Let's get dressed and go back upstairs. I think I prefer that bed up there to anything else we've made love on, so far, anyway.'

They got dressed in a slow, leisurely fashion, making excuses to touch each other-'You need help with that?' Here, let me.' Hands dragging over exposed skin, fingers trailing down arms and legs. Both wanting to make their desires plain with, and without words. Getting to their feet, flip flops back on, they sauntered lazily up the stairs, arms around each other, stopping every few steps for yet another lingering kiss. They were wrapped in a seemingly incandescent cocoon of love, each feeling like they should be glowing with happiness.

Hentley met them at the top of the stairs. 'Your message is on the dining table, sir. I'll retire for the evening now. If you should need me for anything, don't hesitate to call.'

'Good man, Hentley. Thanks so much.' An eternally smiling Hentley bowed his head briefly at the praise, and walked away toward the plush servant's cottage adjacent to the house.

'I had a nice conversation with him this evening. We were talking about time away from sweethearts and family. The income from this job is worth a lot to him. He only sees his family a couple of times a month, but the money makes things possible for his kids, so he and his wife can help them to a better life. I don't usually think of things like that.'

'I'm glad you told me. I can easily double his tip. A parent who will go out of their way and make sacrifices for their kids is great to hear about. My dad never talked about it, but I'm sure he gave something up to get me things like my first guitar and amps and stuff back in the day. It wasn't top of the line equipment, but it was better than the nothing I was working with. He didn't do it often, but he chipped in when he could. He never said he loved me, but he showed me the best way he knew how.'

'That's good to hear. I didn't know that side of him at all.'

'No, by the time I met you, things were starting to go sideways. We were both pretty prideful, and my step sisters didn't help. They were resentful of his second marriage in general. I get it, I was resentful of my mom's second husband. Heyward was an asshole, though. No doubt about it.' Pulling her in for yet another kiss, he then suggested, 'Why don't you get in the tub, and I'll get this phone call taken care of? Then I can join you.'

'Sounds good.' The embrace and kiss that ended the conversation were filled with the promise of more sensual experiences to come.

Sofia leaned her head back against the tub, gazing out at the moonlit scene outside the window, if she closed her eyes, it smelled and felt like she was back in Minneapolis, although she was filled with joy, rather than regret. I'm not sure how we'll make this work going forward, but I'm willing to give it everything I've got in me. I hope he is, too.

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