Surprises, Good and Bad

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'Say What?' For once in his life, Prince was truly surprised. It never occurred to him that Sofia could be a Witness, so he never asked. How embarrassing-I need to know more.

'Have you always been a Witness?'

'Yes, my whole family is. I fell away from the faith when I went to college. My parents didn't want me attending a state university, but that was where the best music program was. I was stubborn enough to insist on my own way, and since I received a full ride scholarship my sweet Daddy let me go. Going there was an education in more than one way, for sure, and little by little I let things lapse. By the time I met you, I really wasn't a practicing member of a congregation at all. After our time together ended, I got myself together and involved in a congregation again. I have always felt that I was a sham, though, since I knew our history, which included how far I had drifted.'

'We'll fix that by marrying, but that isn't why I don't think we can get married in a Kingdom Hall,' Prince replied, pulling her closer and placing a soothing kiss on each cheek, and then a longer one on her adorable, sad, lips.

'What am I missing?' Sofia queried, quirking one eyebrow at him.

'Well,' Prince swallowed convulsively as he prepared to share something that could be painful, 'We've taken the physical part of our relationship beyond the boundaries set by the fellowship.' He began stroking her back in a way meant to be calming, rather than seductive. 'If I was asked by an elder, I wouldn't be able to lie.' He worked hard to fight the grimace he wanted to make upon seeing the shocked expression on her face. 'To spare us the embarrassment of being turned away from Kingdom Hall, I think it would be best to marry privately, in a different location. I don't mean do something clandestine,' he rushed on, seeing distress on her face. 'You deserve the wedding of your dreams. Whatever you want, tell me, and as your groom, I have the privilege of making it happen.'

'Oh.' The post coital glow that adorned Sofia's face turned into a hard, painful blush that caused Prince almost as discomfort as it did Sofia. He cringed internally as she swallowed hard, but maintained his loving facial expression. It pained him to know he'd seduced her, twice, and, much as he loved her, that had taken away one of her dreams. 'I completely forgot about that,' she remarked, embarrassed by her severe blush as much as anything else. In her mortified state, she spoke without thinking.
'I swear, you are my kryptonite! I've rebuffed the advances of other men through the years, but with you, I- I just fall into your arms without a second thought!' A few tears sparkled in her eyes as she contemplated giving up one of her childhood dreams.

Prince, hating to see any distress on the part of his love, pulled her in for a long, sweet kiss. 'Do you regret us, the relationship we've rekindled?' I'm holding my breath hoping you're going to say no...

'Not really. I said this before; we're grown, and I made my choices. I could have said no, I could have stopped myself, but I didn't.' I'm not sure how I would have accomplished that, but, still. She took a deep breath, and after a wry twist of her lips, looked down at their joined hands and continued more quietly. 'We both know there are consequences in life, and this is one of them.' Sofia took another deep breath, and let the dream go as she exhaled. 'I wouldn't trade my dream of a Kingdom Hall wedding for my present reality.'

Her response was met with a further tangling of limbs, and she could feel herself responding physically to the excitement pulsing against her upper thigh. Prince didn't act on his arousal, or the warm, sticky mist of her nectar he felt against his thigh just yet. He had more thoughts to share. He tipped her chin up so he could see those Sherry-Brown eyes he loved.

'Well, alright. Let's get started planning the wedding of your dreams that will happen in an alternate location. I am not marrying you in the courthouse or some tacky JP's living room. We're doing this right, even though it won't be in the Kingdom Hall. My biggest desire is to make this service as private as possible. You've already said there are very few people you want to invite. If we'd had it at either Kingdom Hall, there would have been the complication of needing to invite all of both congregations, since that's how we Witnesses do things. Not that I want to be exclusive, but I'd rather have a small, intimate celebration where we are comfortable with everyone. Then we can send out wedding announcements later.'

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