All Eye Want Is You

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Sofia wandered into the dining room for dinner in a funk. It was her fourth meal in a row alone. Prince had been holed up in the studio ever since the Interlude in the garden, and she’d been completely alone. Yeah, interlude. More intense than a date, and sexier than anything I've ever experienced. She felt warm and wet all over again just remembering their encounter and intimate conversation.

Okay, completely alone wasn't exactly true. She had been ambushed in her sleep by a voracious Prince, who woke her, made intense, mind-blowing love to her, gave her not one, but four orgasms, then disappeared when she passed out. She'd woken alone, and confused. Did that really happen, or was it a marvelous dream?

She sat down, frowning at a table set for one. So, he's communicating with Hentley, just not with me. Picking up the water glass, she took a long drink. As she placed the dark blue glass back on the white linen placemat, she heard footsteps behind her. Maybe he’s-

‘Hello Miss Sofia! I hope you will enjoy tonight's dinner. I was able to meet with my favorite fisherman today. I heard you like lobster. Tonight's menu is freshly made lobster ravioli, Caesar salad, and chocolate cake. I’m sure you’d like to know, Mr. Prince had a smoothie and some cake delivered to the studio earlier.’

Sofia cringed inwardly at the absurdity of Hentley knowing more about what Prince was doing than she did; the fact that it was rather unsurprising made it even sadder.

‘Hentley, can I ask you something? You deal with different people every day, driven people, creative, eccentric people. You're so friendly all the time. How do you like them all?’

‘It's not important that I like them. It's important that they like me.’ Sofia stored that piece of information away for later. It sounded like something to remember. Hentley continued, ‘It’s obvious that Mr. Prince likes you.’ Sofia smiled at his roundabout compliment. ‘Could I ask one more thing?’

‘Yes, ma'am, of course.’

‘Hentley, do you have a family?

‘Oh, yes ma'am. Wife and four beautiful children. They live on the far side of the island.’

‘So you're driving back and forth every day?’

‘Oh, no, ma'am. When I'm on duty I stay in the quarters. I see my family at least once a month, sometimes even more often.’

Sofia was stunned. ‘That doesn't sound ideal.’

‘It is ideal for providing school fees, uniforms, music lessons, and sports team fees for my children, ma'am. My wife and me, we’re able to provide the life we want for our children. This job makes much of it possible, and it's far superior to my previous job, working on a cruise ship.’

‘That explanation makes sense. Thanks for sharing that with me, Hentley.’

‘Let me get your meal ready, ma'am. I've taken up too much of your time.’ With his typical smile, Hentley disappeared back into the kitchen.

Huh. They make extended absences work. My man isn’t ‘with me’, but I know exactly where he is. Maybe I need to lighten up. Whaddya know? I called him ‘My man’. She smiled to herself, the smile of a woman whose desires are completely satisfied.

After her delicious meal, and a glass of crisp chardonnay, Sofia wandered back to the patio, settled on the double chaise, and opened her ereader. I think it's time to download some nonfiction, get my head out of the clouds with all these romances I read. Obviously they aren't a true reflection of real life. For heaven’s sake, no one ever goes in a bathroom except to make love!

As she searched the nonfiction list for something that looked interesting to read, she felt his presence behind her.

‘Looking for something new to read?’ Prince settled beside her, snatching the tablet from her hands, holding it far away from her. ‘I’ll make some choices for you.’

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