Today is the first day that I've been truly happy for longer than an hour in a year. I hope you really like it because it took a lot to conjure up some of these emotions even though I don't really express everything in this poem. Tell me what you think. 

For a year I was depressed

Just going through the motions

Not really knowing how

To deal with my emotions

I have finally found many solutions

They all have made their own contributions

To helping me repair

My own self-despair

Thanks to One Direction

The boys that showed me affection

Though all their love filled songs

Thanks to my two best friends

One that loved to listen

And one that just loved to have fun

Thanks to my little sister

Who is wiser than she seems

I love your silly schemes

Thanks to my mother

I love how you never push

The way you love me unconditionally

Thanks to own self

Knowing that I have the power

To make myself happy

I surround myself with possessions

But they never took away the depressions

People always call me spoiled

But I would give all my things away

Just to hear my grandmother’s laugh

And see my sister’s smile

My life isn’t perfect

But I have finally come clean

I’m no longer green

While thinking of others

Because I’m myself

And I’m in better health

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