This poem is dedicated to my grandma who died a year ago from a sudden asthma attack in the middle of the night. I miss her very much.
I miss the way you called me Molly
And hated when I rode the trolley
I miss the way you smiled
And told me everything was going to be okay.
I miss the way you filed
And threw nothing away
I miss the way you called me
And had everything to say
I miss the way you bought me gifts
Because you knew exactly who I was
I miss the way I could tell you everything
Without judgment or doubt
I miss the way you helped people out
And was a true hippie at heart
I miss the way you never missed a game
Or how you listened to be complain
I miss the way you held me close
I miss the way you cared for me
More than anyone else
I will never be able to move on
And realize that you are forever gone
Your things sit at home untouched
Like you are just around the corner
And I am not suppose to be a mourner
I will never be able to move on
I will never be able to forget
Because I love you grandma