Go Away Chapter 4

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Taehyung POV

Jungkook left for the gym, leaving me at home alone. I turned on the television and threw the remote on the couch, not paying attention to what channel it was on. I sat myself on another couch and curled up with my cup of tea. The television was on a kids show, which didn't bother me so I just watched it.

A few minutes later another show came on about some kid and a bunch of puppies. They went around solving problems and honestly it probably would have appealed to me, if it weren't for the fact that one of the puppies looked like the one I got from my stepfather. The puppy had dark brown fur on its body with light brown fur on its paws. Its eyes were big brown orbs. It brought back bad memories, memories that could hurt me while Jungkook was gone. I felt myself falling into little space and tears filled my eyes.

"Daddy," I whined hoping that he would magically appear. The puppy came on the screen again and this time I dropped my cup and ran to Daddy's room. I crawled under the covers and hid under them trying to think about how I could get away from the monster in my head. I clawed at the sides of my face and head, trying to dig them out. Blood dripped slowly onto the sheets and pillowcases, staining them in red.

Tears poured out of my eyes blurring my vision, making the edges of everything blend together. Shapes formed becoming bigger and darker. "Stop it, please," I whimpered. I squeezed my eyes closed and covered my head with my covers. I was sobbing so hard that my chest heaved trying to get enough air into my body. My heart pounded filling my ears with a thumping sound that I could only think was my death music. Slowly my vision darkened and I started feeling sleepy. It clawed at my mind forcing me to relax. I feel asleep, gripping the covers so hard my knuckles turned white.


Jungkook pulled into the driveway right when Tae fell asleep. He grabbed his gym bag and walked into the house. He called out to Tae while he put his gym bag in the laundry room. There was no response, but he didn't worry too much until he got into the living room and saw the wasted tea on the floor.

"Taehyung, baby? Are you okay," Jungkook asked running upstairs to check their room. He noticed the lump under the covers so he slowly pulled them back and smiled as he saw it was Tae. Then the smile got wiped off his face as he noticed the scratches, blood, and dried tears on Tae's face. He grabbed Tae from the bed and carried him to the bathroom making sure that he didn't hit his head.

When he got to the bathroom he put him on the counter and smiled as he remembered the first time they met. He pulled out a first aid kit and held Tae's head up as he cleaned the scratches. "Owie," Tae whined opening his eyes. Jungkook asked, "What happened while I was gone baby?"

Tae's eyes glazed over and immediately he leaned over the counter and closed the door. "He won't leave me alone," Tae whispered eyeing the door, almost as though he expected someone to bust through it. Jungkook frowned, "Who's he?" Tae shivered as he thought about it, "The monster. He's gonna come get me daddy. He's gonna do what used to do to me again." Jungkook gently touched his chin and went back to cleaning his scratches, "What did he used to do, baby?"

"Bad things," Tae said pulling Jungkook closer to him. "Daddy, you'll protect Tae right? You'll make sure the monster no get Tae?" Jungkook nodded and wrapped him in a hug,"Daddy will protect you till his last breath." Tae was still a little tense so Jungkook lowered his hands and put them on Tae's lower back to pick him up again.

Tae wasn't ready for that and he got scared so he pushed Jungkook away with a look that showed the one thing Jungkook never wanted from Tae. Fear. Jungkook lifted his hands towards Tae, "Its okay, I'm just wanting to carry you back to our room." Slowly Tae nodded and agreed. Jungkook lifted him up and Tae wrapped his legs around his waist.

Something wet dripped onto his shoulder. He turned his head to see Tae crying. "Baby, what's wrong?" Tae sniffed, "I don't want him in my head anymore daddy. Make him go away." Jungkook sat him on the bed, "Baby, I will. I promise I will get him to leave you alone." Tae nodded and curled himself into Jungkook's chest, enjoying the way he felt protected. His body shook against Jungkook's making him tightening his arms around Tae.

Jungkook didn't like this. His baby scared as hell, of someone he wasn't sure he knew. He wasn't sure if he could keep that promise alone, but he knew someone who could help him to figure how to though. Tae's breathing was starting to even out and his shaking was subsiding which meant that he was sleeping. Jungkook pushed his hair back and kissed each scratch lightly. He pushed Tae back onto the bed to make room for himself and rewrapped his arms around him.

He cringed slightly as he saw the drops of blood from Tae on his sheet and pillowcases. He ignored them and made a mental note to wash them later, but as of right now he needed to take care of his baby boy. Whatever he had to do to make sure this never happened, he would do even if he never slept another day in his life.

Another chapter finished. I don't even know what the hell this was, but it will develop into some drama. Right now I wanted vkook fluff and a smidge of angst, be ready though because when this story goes in none of you will be ready. Love you all and have a good day/night. PEACE!

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