Against The World Chapter 20

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Taehyung's POV

I woke up in Jungkook's arms as he was talking to our friends. I whined slightly and spit the pacifier out. Jungkook looked down at me with a smile and pushed my hair out of my face. "Nice to see those pretty eyes baby," he said. I forced a smile back and stood up. I pulled my arms behind my back and popped my back. Everyone stared at me curiously.

"What," I asked. Everyone looked at Namjoon and he spoke for them, "We were just wondering if you're okay." I nodded, "I'm fine." Jin looked at me apologetically, "I'm sorry for instigating with Nari and for putting your business out in front of everyone." I shrugged, "It's fine. You didn't mean to." I sighed and went into the kitchen. I grabbed a drink and swallowed a couple of gulps of it.

My hands shook severely as I walked back into the living room to join my friends. I took a seat on the floor beside Jimin and grabbed his hand. "Thank you," I whispered as he squeezed my hand reassuringly. He nodded and put his head on my shoulder.

"So who was the woman that was here a few hours ago," Yoongi asked. Hoseok hit his arm with a frown, "Now isn't a good time." I shook my head, "No I'm glad that he asked actually. I should've told you guys before but I just didn't know how. The woman who was here was my mother, Kim Nari." Jimin spoke up, "We've never heard of her before." I laughed, "Yeah because I didn't want you guys to know about her. She gave me back to my dad when I was ten. She got custody of me when I was eight."

Hoseok nodded, "Okay we understand that, but why the hell did she get so upset at Jin and what was all that nonsense about her letting her husband do whatever that is to you?" I tensed and fidgeted with Jimin's painted fingernails, "She got upset at Jin hyung because he told the truth and exposed her. The stuff he said about her letting him do that to me is something that I don't think I should tell you guys about just yet."

Everyone accepted that and let me rest in peace for a while. Jimin fell asleep on my shoulder and soon everyone fell asleep too, leaving me to my own private thoughts.
Carefully I moved my shoulder from under Jimin's head and let him lean against the couch. I grabbed my coat and shoes and walked out the door. I slipped on my shoes and coat before walking across the street to see my mom. The darkness of the night calmed me slightly and allowed me to blame my shaking on the cold.

I knocked on Nari's front door quietly and waited for her to answer. As I waited I shifted from foot to foot and popped my knuckles. "Who is it," a voice called from inside the house. "Taehyung," I said loudly. After the clicks of locks the door opened to show my mom standing there with an ice pack on her cheek and her hair a mess.

"What do you want," she spat. I blushed and put my head down. "I think it's about time we talked face to face don't you," I mumbled. She huffed and moved away from the door to let me in. I walked in and kicked my shoes off by the door and took of my coat. I hung it on her coatrack and followed her to a sitting room.

"You don't have that disrespectful little fag here with you this time do you," she asked. I flared my nostrils in her, "Don't talk about him that way." She snorted, "This is my house. I can do and say whatever I damn well please. If you don't like it then you can leave."

I shrugged and walked back the way we came before she grabbed my arm tightly. "Don't leave yet," she said quietly. I looked at her blankly and nodded. She gestured to her couch and I sat down stiffly. She sat across from me and crossed her legs. "What would you like to talk about," she asked.

I sighed, "What did you come to my house for?" She frowned, "That's not what I thought you would ask." I rolled my eyes, "What did you think I was going to ask?" She said, "Maybe how I've been, how your stepfather's been since we found out about the tumor."

"I don't care how he's been," I snarled. "That man's done a lot for you and you should be grateful," she snapped. I scoffed, "Like what? Scarring me for life?" Nari scolded me, "I'm getting tired of this lie you keep telling." Tears blurred my vision and had held my head back to keep them in my eyes. "I'm not lying," I sniffled.

"Yes you are that man loved you so much," she said. I yelled, "He loved me enough to touch on me like I was his wife. You wouldn't even fucking know though you because you weren't half way there. If you were there then you were too busy up his ass to notice!" Nari gasped at me with tears in her eyes, "That's not true." Tears were coming down my face like a stream, "Yes it is. You just loved Hanuel more than you loved me so you ignored it. You saw some of the marks on my body and blamed it on kids at school. You never asked me about Nari. You never showed me you cared about me."

"I just came over here to make it clear to you that I'm not okay. What that man did to me was not okay. YOU overlooking it is not okay," I cried. I wiped my eyes roughly and stood up, "I'm leaving. Until you can admit to yourself that what you did was not okay, don't ever contact me again."

I walked to the door and put on my coat. I threw on my shoes and walked out the door, not taking the time to close it behind me. "He never did anything to you," Nari yelled after me. I stopped in the middle of the road and turned back to her. "He bought your love and affection and then forced his on me. Money and gifts clouded your vision and you couldn't see what was going on. You did this to us. You're the reason why we aren't close," I screamed back.

A bright light came and appeared along with the screech of the brakes being applied. A car hit my side, not hard enough to send me to the hospital but enough to hit me. "Oh shit," the driver cursed, getting out the car. "I totally didn't see you standing there. I'm so sorry," she rambled. I held up my hand and got up. "Its fine. I'm okay," I smiled at her weakly before turning and limping home. "Do you need a hospital," she called. I shook my head no and waved her on.

When I reached our door I twisted the doorknob and let myself in. I threw my coat on the floor and kept my shoes on. I sat in the kitchen and stared at the table. "Want some tea," a voice behind me asked, making me jump. Jin walked to the faucet and filled the kettle with water. He put the water on the stove and turned it on. "Where you been," he asked. I sighed, "I was hoping that I could get back before you guys woke up." Jin sat at the table with a smile, "You know I'm a light sleeper." I nodded, "Yeah I know." Jin leaned forward and studied my face. "Have you been crying," he asked. I shook my head, "No, I'm fine." Jin frowned at me, "Fine is not a good word to use when trying to convince people that you're okay." I bit my lip and waited for him to push me to tell him.

"What happened tonight," he asked. I sighed, "Long story short, Nari still thinks that I'm lying to her and she made excuses. I got emotional and left." Jin grabbed my hand, "You know what?"

I looked him, "What?" He smirked, "Fuck everybody that doesn't love you and know that you're special. I love you and I know that you're special and so does every last person in the living room. It's you and us against the world."

Another one. I hope you all enjoyed this chapter especially a certain someone who I hope picked up on some hints here. I love you all and I hope you have an amazing week , just in case I don't update this week. PEACE!!!!

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