Abuse Chapter 28

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Jungkook POV

Taehyung's quiet breathing soothed me as I laid in the bed facing him. Our white sheets almost shimmered in the sunlight as it crept through the shades on our window. His quiet snores helped to relax me and help me rest my aching muscles. I just came in from the gym, I've been working out a lot more lately because of stress.

I stared at Taehyung's face and his shirtless chest. He was getting bigger, just not in the bad way. His chest was getting more defined and his skin was getting tanned. He had been going out with Jimin for runs and sometimes weight lifting. He was beautiful, but I knew he wasn't doing it just to be doing it. I knew he was feeling insecure about himself. Whenever I touch his stomach he's always a bit tense, but lately he's been a bit more open to being shirtless in front of me. In little space he wasn't really resistant to me bathing him or being naked in front of me for that matter.
In fact he loved being naked, more so now than ever.

Of course I think it's just him being needy and I don't really mind, but I need him to be ready at his own pace instead of him forcing himself to be ready.

Taehyung rolled over and faced me without waking up from his sleep. His lips were a slight bit swollen and parted slightly. His nostrils flared as he exhaled. I planted a small kiss to his temple and wrapped my arms around him tightly. "Jungkook hyung," Taehyung called sleepily. His eyes never opened and he never moved except for his lips to speak.

I smiled and put my hand on the side of his face to cup his cheek. "Yeah baby, I'm right here," I whispered. He released a breath and snuggled in closer, "I missed you." I huffed a laughed, "I missed you too babe." I placed my chin on the top of his head and closed my eyes. Slowly my thoughts became fragmented and muddled before I went blank.


"Jungkook hyung wake up," Taehyung yelled in my face. I jumped and slowly opened my eyes. "You are so loud in the morning," I groaned. "It isn't morning anymore, it's 15:00. It's time to wake up," Taehyung said. I opened my eyes and squinted at the bright lights.

"Make me some food," Taehyung ordered. "What do you want," I grunted and pushed myself out of bed. "Kimbap," he grinned childishly. I smirked and kissed him passionately. As I pulled away he wrinkled his nose, "You stink." I frowned at him playfully, "Are you little right now?" He smiled back, "No, I'm all grown up."

I nodded mockingly and walked down the stairs to the kitchen. I took out of the ingredients needed for Kimbap and as I cooked someone knocked on the door. "Taehyung could you get that please," I yelled. A few seconds later Taehyung came bouncing down the stairs in one of my hoodies and black shorts. "I got it," he said and ran towards the door. "Hyung come here for a sec would you," Taehyung yelled. I washed my hands and went to the front door. "Yeah babe, what the matter," I said getting quieter with every word as I saw who was at the door. "Nari," I grunted. I looked at her and frowned as my eyes landed on her cheek.

"What the hell happened to you," I asked. "Hanuel hit me," she said quietly. Taehyung was close to telling her to hit the road, but before he could close the door on her I wrapped my arm around his shoulders and invited her in. Taehyung glared at me openly and I kissed his nose adoringly. "Just wait a second," I whispered in his ear. He nodded begrudgingly and walked with me to lead Nari to our living room. "Why did Hanuel hit you," I asked, sitting on the couch and pulling Taehyung with me. "Well, he was resisting to take his medicine no matter how much I begged him. He was talking and mumbling to himself too. He was talking about Taehyung," she mumbled looking at my baby.

Taehyung tensed and I rubbed circles into his shoulder reassuringly. "Still not seeing where him hitting you and you having a huge ass bruise comes in the story," I said. "I said "'That's my son you're talking about you bastard"' and he got pissed off. He balled up his fist and hit me across my jaw," she said dejectedly. "I'm not seeing why you had to catch an attitude with him when I told you he was doing worse things than that years ago and you didn't get mad at him then," Taehyung grumbled. I winced at the bitterness in his tone. "Darling, that was years ago. I think it's time to stop living in the past," Nari said with a dismissing handwave. I tried to convince myself that Nari didn't deserve the harsh words that Taehyung was about to say, but I couldn't because she did deserve it.

"Fuck you, Nari! I should stop living in the past? You need to grow the fuck up and take responsibility for yourself. You failed at being a mother. When I needed you, you weren't there and when I told you that I was getting hurt you didn't care. You chose a man, a fucking man, over me. I'm your child and I never gave you a reason to doubt me. When you grow the fuck up then you can talk to me, until then you can go fuck yourself or have the husband that wanted to fuck me do it for you," Taehyung shouted. He shot up off the couch and walked all the way back to the front door. "Go back to that no-good low-down dirty bastard that you call a husband and talk some more bullshit to him so he can beat you," Taehyung spat.

I winced, but didn't say a word as Nari's eyes filled with water and she marched out of the house with her head down. Before she even got out of the house well Taehyung slammed the door closed. Pictures on the wall shook from the force of the slam and I stood in the doorway of the kitchen and the front room. "You okay," I asked quietly. "Fuck off, hyung. I'm not in the mood," Taehyung scoffed and stormed passed me. I grabbed his arm and pulled him back, "Drop the attitude. I didn't do anything for you to be pissed at me for and it's uncalled for."

He glared at me and I made a crazy face at him, hoping that he would crack a smile. My wish was granted because as soon as I made the face he giggled like a maniac. "You want to shower with me," I asked. His normally evenly tanned face turned a bright red. "I was joking," I grinned. "Fucking tease," Taehyung grumbled. He shook his head and walked away from me. "Love you too," I called after him. I can't wait until I propose so you can see how much.

Another one. I hope this chapter is up to par and if not then I will attempt to do better within the last couple of chapters. I love you and I hope you've had a good day/night. PEACE!!!

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