New Neighbors Chapter 10

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3rd Person POV

A couple of days after the sleepover at Jimin's house Jungkook and Taehyung decided to have a relaxation day. Neither of them could call home nor could they do anything that would be considered work. Jungkook talked Jin into cooking a feast for him and Taehyung, even though he could've cooked it himself. Taehyung had been out of little space for 3 days and everything was going pretty well. He was passing his classes since they were self-paced and Jungkook was working on a new song.

"Let's watch a horror movie," Taehyung said, looking at some of the movies on Netflix. "Are you sure," Jungkook asked, eyeing suspiciously. "Hyung I'm an adult. I can handle a scary movie," Taehyung frowned. Jungkook nodded, "You are a grown man, but you're my baby, in little space and out." Taehyung smiled and kissed Jungkook's cheek, "Love you too babe." Jungkook smiled, "I love me too." Taehyung scoffed and hit him playfully. "Just put on the movie," Taehyung huffed and sat on the couch. Jungkook laughed and selected The Conjuring 2.

As they watch Taehyung curled into Jungkook's side and played with his fingers. Jungkook gave him a kiss on the head and continued to watch the movie. A couple of screams and jumps later the movie ended. "That was a good movie," Taehyung said, turning on the light. Jungkook nodded and hummed in agreement. "I'm hun-" Jungkook was interrupted by the doorbell as it rang. Taehyung frowned, "I thought we told all of our friends that we wanted the day alone?" Jungkook shrugged and walked to the door with Taehyung right behind him.

When Jungkook opened the door there was a woman and a man, both looked like they were in their late 40s. "Hi I'm Kim Nari and this is my husband Kim Hanuel. We just moved in across the street and wanted to say hello," The woman smiled. She reminded Jungkook of Taehyung, around her eyes and nose, if he looked at her just right. Taehyung's hands shook as he took in the face of the man and woman that stood in front of him.

'No, there's no way they they found me,' Taehyung thought as he ran from the door to their bedroom. He slammed the door so hard that the pictures on the wall rattled. He locked the door and roughly ran his hair as he sunk to the floor slowly. He banged his head on the door, trying to make himself believe that this just a dream.


As ten year Taehyung laid in his bed his stepfather came into his room quietly, trying not to let the door creak. Taehyung sat up and smiled, "Hey Mr.Kim." His stepfather smiled back at him sweetly, "I told you that you could call me daddy." Taehyung shrugged. "You're so precious to me," His stepfather whispered, touching his leg. "Thanks," Taehyung blushed. "I like your pajamas," His stepfather said using that as an excuse to trail his eyes hungrily up Taehyung body.

Taehyung fidgeted, "Shouldn't we be asleep?" His stepfather smiled, "Are you tired?" Taehyung shook his head and sighed. "Do you want to play a game?" Taehyung nodded eagerly, "Yeah!"

"Take off your shirt." Taehyung frowned, "My shirt?" He crawled out of the bed and unbuttoned his pajama shirt His stepfather nodded and bit his lip as he watched Taehyung take off the shirt. Slowly a hand trailed Taehyung's body and stopped at his throat. A finger danced over the skin there and made him cringe slightly. "I don't like this game," He whispered. "You don't like the way daddy touches you?" Taehyung shook his head and pushed the hand away harshly.

The hand came back, but it wrapped its fingers around his neck tightly. He couldn't breathe and it hurt. "L-let go," Taehyung gasped. His stepfather's breath fanned across his face, "Never deny me, do you understand?" Taehyung was starting to shake and sweat, "Y-yes." The hand on his neck loosed slightly, but didn't completely let go.

His pants were ripped down and cold air hit his newly exposed skin. His stepfather's other hand groped at his butt and thighs roughly. Taehyung knew he was going to have bruises he just didn't know how many. Something hard rubbed against his stomach, making him whimper and cry. "Does it make you feel good princess," his stepfather asked. Taehyung shook his head and whimpered louder.

A phone rang, it was distance and quiet, but it was there. His stepfathers hand stopped groping and feeling on him. "Fuck," His stepfather cursed. He walked out, leaving Taehyung alone in the dark. Tears poured out of his eyes like water out of a waterfall. He pulled his pants back up and put his shirt back on. Slowly he walked to the door and closed it, not forgetting to lock it. He looked in the mirror and looked at the growing bruise on his neck. His mother was gone on a vacation  so she wouldn't she see it before it faded.


"Taehyung, baby, are you okay,"Jungkook yelled, terrified. Taehyung was stuck on the floor, he couldn't move or breathe. "Help me," He whispered. "Baby I'm coming, are you by the door," Jungkook asked, pressing his ear to the door. "Yes," Taehyung said, gaining a little bit more of his voice back. "I need you move back."

"I can't," Taehyung sobbed. "I can't do anything now just like I couldn't do anything back then." Jungkook was stressing out. He wanted to be in there with Taehyung and hold him and comfort him. He stared at the doorknob and almost face palmed because the answer was right in front of him. He ran to the other kitchen and grabbed a knife. He pushed it in between the door and the doorway. He pried the door open and dropped the knife haphazardly on the ground and squeezed into the bedroom.

Immediately he dropped to his knees and pulled Taehyung into his lap. He could feel the way Taehyung was shaking and he tightened his grip. "Its okay, I'm right here. I'm not going anywhere, I promise you that." Taehyung pushed his face into Jungkook's chest, soaking his T-shirt with tears, snot, and sweat.

"Baby, what's wrong," Jungkook asked, rocking them back and forth. Taehyung looked up through his tears. 'I will always believe you, even when I don't want to.' "H-he's back, a-and he's g-g-gonna get me," Taehyung whispered and held onto Jungkook tighter almost as though he thought that he would disappear.

"Who's he," Jungkook asked. "The monster."

Another one! A dose of drama because I feel like the book was getting boring and because I wrote most of this chapter already. I've been up since 2:00 this morning and its 8:34 now so I'm tired. If you see any errors tell me so I can go back and fix them. There will be another update today, hopefully. I hope you enjoyed this chapter because writing the flashback was so uncomfortable. Remember to vote BTS on AAA and as always... I LOVE YOU ALL!! PEACE!!!

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