Sleepovers Chapter 9

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Jungkook POV

Tae and Jimin were upstairs, watching Disney movies while Yoongi and I watched "big" shows, as Tae liked to refer to them. Hoseok was in the kitchen cooking some food for dinner. "You need any help hyung," I yelled not looking from the television. "Not really," He yelled back. I shrugged and continued watching TV.

"Daddy," Jimin squealed before jumping on Yoongi's lap. Yoongi groaned playfully and pulled him to a more comfortable position. Not even a minute later did Tae come in smiling brightly. "Daddy," He giggled, collapsing into my lap. "Hi baby," I smiled. He nuzzled his nose into my neck, his breath tickled me. "Where's dada," Jimin asked looking around the living room. "Right here, babe," Hoseok smiled, standing in the doorway.

Jimin hopped off of Yoongi and ran to Hoseok. He leaned up and kissed Hoseok's nose lightly. Hoseok kissed his lips in return and we ended up watching a full blown make-out session. "I want kisses," Tae mumbled. I grabbed his chin and brought his lips to mine. I ran my tongue over his bottom lip. When he opened his mouth, instead of sticking my tongue in I sucked on his bottom lip a little harshly. He moaned and pulled away. His cheeks were bright red and his lips were starting to swell. I stared at him, taking in his beauty.

A timer went off, scaring everyone. Hoseok pulled away from Jimin and went to check on the food in the oven. "I cooked pizza," Hoseok yelled from the kitchen. "Why? That's not Korean food," Yoongi yelled back frowning. Hoseok walked back in to the living room and sat on his lap. He whispered something in Yoongi's ear, making him turn scarlet. When Hoseok pulled away he said out loud, "Do I make myself clear?"

Yoongi grumbled something that sounded like 'yes'. "Wash your hands and come eat," Hoseok said, getting off of Yoongi's lap and going back into the kitchen. I patted Tae's back gently, "Let's wash our hands and eat." Jimin, who had still been standing, smiled at Tae, "Race you." Before Yoongi or I could stop them, they took off up the stairs at a break neck speed. I looked over at Yoongi and smirked, "Didn't know that Hoseok could put you in your place like that." He glared, "Don't play with me Jungkook because I can promise you that just because Hoseok has a hold on me, it doesn't mean that you do. Keep playing with me and Tae might just have to find himself another daddy."

I held my hands up, "I'm sorry, calm yourself." He nodded and walked past me, up the stairs, where our boys ran. Right when we got to the landing they appeared, giggling. "You guys ready to eat," I asked. Both of them nodded and ran towards us. "Stop running," Yoongi said in a stern voice, before they could reach us. They skidded to a stop and calmly walked around us, down the stairs. We followed them back down to the kitchen. Hoseok had already set plates out for all of us. My seat was beside Tae and Yoongi. Hoseok and Jimin sat infront of us. I sat down and took a bite of the pizza.

Right after it landed on my tongue I spit it out. "What's wrong with it," Hoseok asked. I fanned my mouth and panted, "Its hot." Giggles and laughs sounded at my pain. I grabbed my drink and chugged it down eagerly. I burped into Yoongi's face once I finished. "Ew, do you brush your teeth," he whined. I grinned, "What are you talking about? I know you liked it." He scrunched his nose at me and shook his head. "Love you too," I grinned.

I lifted a piece of pizza to my mouth, not forgetting to blow on it, and took another bite. "This is delicious," I said looking at Hoseok with a smile. He smiled in thanks and continued stuffing his mouth. "You look like a horse," Yoongi laughed, pointing at Hoseok. "You look like a turtle," He retorted. I looked over at Tae to see him playing in the cheese on the pizza. "Don't do that, eat it," I said picking up his piece of pizza a placing it on his lips. Tae shook his head and closed his eyes. Hoseok and Yoongi were still going back and forth, which kept Jimin entertained. "Baby you need to eat." Tae shook his head harder. "Okay," I sighed.

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