Sore Chapter 21

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Jin's POV

I watched Taehyung walk into the living room with everyone else after we finished talking. He looked exhausted, but I knew he wouldn't be able to sleep. Chatter started up in the living room after a while and I decided to cook breakfast. As I cooked Yoongi came in and joined me. He sat behind the island and put his head down. "Too loud," I teased. "Too loud and too early," Yoongi grumbled without putting his head up.

I laughed and let him rest while I started to cook. I put on a pot of coffee and made some tea for Taehyung. I poured a cup of coffee for Yoongi after it was ready and set it in front of him. I tapped his head and watched as his head flew up. "What," Yoongi asked. "Coffee, you, drink, now," I said. He nodded and drank some of it. "Thanks hyung," he sighed and took a large gulp. "Welcome." I poured some other cups of coffee and called the boys into the kitchen. "Come get some coffee kids," I yelled.

Jimin and Hoseok came first, but after them came Namjoon and Jungkook. "Morning hyung," they all chimed. I smiled, "Morning guys." Namjoon reached for the cup I made for Jimin and I slapped his hand. "Namjoon you cup is the one on the end. Jimin this is your cup. Hoseok yours comes next and Jungkook yours is right in front of you." Everyone grabbed their cups and drank from them. "Hyung I didn't know that you knew how we liked our coffee," Jungkook said after he took a sip. I shrugged and continued to cook.

Instead of going back into the living room they all stayed in the kitchen. I looked at the last cup and called Taehyung into the kitchen as well. "Come and get your tea Taehyung," I yelled. Taehyung walked slowly into the kitchen. I watched as he favored his side and made sure no one touched it accidentally. As he reached for his cup I pulled him towards me. "What happened," I asked quietly. He frowned at me, "What are you talking about?" I touched his side gingerly, "What happened right here?"

"Nothing," Taehyung replied tensely. I pushed into his side and watched as he flinched. "What happened," I asked again. He sighed dejectedly, "I got hit by a car, but its nothing major." I took my hand off of his side and slammed my cooking utensil down.

Everyone looked at me startled. "Hyung, are you okay," Jungkook asked after he swallowed his coffee. I sighed and pushed my fingers through my hair, "Yeah, just remembered something." He looked at me skeptically, but nodded. I looked back to Taehyung to see him having a conversation about pacifiers with Jimin.

I went back to cooking and let Taehyung talk with the rest of the boys. Namjoon came up behind me and wrapped me into a backhug. "Morning baby," Namjoon sighed in my ear. I grinned as his breath passed my ear, "Morning Joon."

I finished the food and placed it on 7 different plates. Everyone took a seat at the table as I brought the plates over. As soon as everyone had a plate, everyone dug in like they hadn't't eaten on days. Except for one person.

Taehyung ate a few bites but then he pushed his plate back and watched everyone else. I watched Jungkook grab his hand and whisper in his ear. Taehyung shook his head and turned his back on Jungkook. I almost smiled at the look on Jungkook's face as he stared at Taehyung's back.

"What are we doing today since yesterday was ruined," Jimin asked. I shrugged and looked at Hoseok. "What do you want to do, Seokie?" Hoseok swallowed his food, "Maybe we can go bowling or out to a park." I nodded and looked at the others , "I don't mind if you guys don't." Everyone nodded in agreement started back chattering among themselves. I smiled at them and appreciated this moment, a lot of times people wish for things that are huge and extravagant but all I ever wish is that my little family stays safe.

Jungkook got up and put his plate away. "I'm getting a shower," he grumbled. We watched as he stomped out and up the steps angrily. "Is he okay," Namjoon asked Taehyung. He nodded,"Yeah he's fine.''

We cleaned up our plates and waited for Jungkook and Taehyung to come back downstairs. I sat on Namjoon's lap and listened as Hoseok, Jimin, and Yoongi talking about adopting a pet. "But hyung, I want one," Jimin whined, sticking out his bottom lip. Yoongi rolled his eyes and leaned back in the chair. "No Jimin and I'm not repeating myself."

Hoseok looked at Yoongi, "Come on Yoongi. Just let Jiminie get a pet." Yoongi huffed, "What did I just tell Jimin?" Hoseok opened his mouth to say something, but Yoongi interrupted him, "No amount of sex is worth having another basically another baby to take care of." Hoseok looked at Jimin and watched as tears slowly filled his eyes. I looked at Yoongi accusingly.

"Jimin, he didn't mean it like that he just meant that he isn't a pet person," Hoseok tried reasoning. Jimin only shook head. I hit the back of Yoongi's head and pointed at Jimin. After a glare Yoongi softened and kneeled in front of Jimin. "Baby boy, daddy didn't mean anything bad. He just meant that we can't have a pet right now because we're too busy for it."

I watched as Jimin got up and ran away towards the stairs. Taehyung was just coming down and didn't move in time to miss Jimin. They collided with Jimin hitting his side and falling on him as well. "Fuck," Taehyung yelled. Hoseok ran over to help Jimin off of Taehyung.

I walked over and offered my hand to Taehyung. He grabbed it and got up. He cradled his side and looked at me teary eyed. Jungkook came down the stairs and grabbed Taehyung by the waist. Taehyung hissed and pulled away. "What happened to your side," Jungkook asked. Taehyung tried to play it off with a chuckle. "Its just a little sore, that's all."

Jungkook raised an eyebrow and grabbed Taehyung's injuried side roughly. "Ow bitch," Taehyung yelled. Jungkook frowned, "Just a little sore huh?" Taehyung paled and looked at me for help. I only shrugged and watched Jungkook walk towards Taehyung. "Lift your shirt," he ordered quietly. Taehyung shook his head and pulled his shirt down further. Jungkook hardened his gaze and made Taehyung look him in the eye. "Lift the shirt," he said strictly. Taehyung whimpered but obeyed nonetheless.

He pulled up his shirt and there was a huge purple and red bruise covering from the top of his ribs and went down under his pants. "What the hell happened to you," Jungkook asked calmly. Taehyung smiled sheepishly, "I fell?" Jungkook glared at him, "You really want to be funny right now?"

Taehyung looked at me sadly and I sighed, "Tell him what happened." He blinked and looked away from me. "What happened when," Jungkook asked. Taehyung didn't respond and kept looking away Jungkook.

Jungkook grabbed his chin roughly and made Taehyung look at him. "I got hit by a car late last night," Taehyung whispered. He was shaking visibly. Jungkook gripped his chin tighter, "Speak up." Taehyung repeated himself and I watched as Jungkook's face changed between rage, worry, and sadness. "Why didn't you tell me?"

Taehyung shook his head and remained quiet. Jungkook nodded and stepped away from him carelessly, "Okay, since we don't know how to talk now." Taehyung and I looked at each other nervously. What the hell did that mean?

Another one. I'm back guys!!! I've been gone forever, but I'm back so look forward to the next few updates.

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