Sanctum Chapter 13

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3rd Person POV

Jungkook stared at the mess he made the previous day. There was a cracked cologne glass bottle on the floor along with other things that used to be on their dresser. 'Oh my gosh,' he thought.

There was a knock on the door that pulled him out of his dazed state. "Jungkook-ah, I need to know if you're okay. You don't have to come out, but I need you to tell me if you're okay," Jin yelled through the closed door. Jungkook stood up and immediately fell to his knees. His legs were numb from lack of movement. Slowly he got to his feet again and carefully walked to the door. He twisted the knob, not noticing it was locked, and pulled.

The door didn't budge. "Hyung! Hyung I'm stuck," Jungkook yelled and beat on the door. "Jungkook the door is locked, you have to unlock it." Jungkook stopped banging on the door and unlocked it quickly. He yanked the door open harshly and jumped on Jin as soon as he saw his face. "Kook-ah its only been a day since you saw me," Jin laughed and hugged back tightly. Jungkook pulled away unexpectedly and looked at Jin, "Where's Taehyung?" Jin frowned, "He went out for a walk just a couple of minutes ago."

Jungkook ran back into his room and shoved his feet into a random pair of shoes. "Do you know where he went walking," Jungkook asked. Jin shrugged, "He usually goes walking on a little foot path behind my house. There's a little opening with a pond back there that he loves." Jungkook nodded and walked out of the room with Jin right behind him. "I'll, we'll, be back soon. Love you, bye," Jungkook yelled and grabbed his keys, ready to leave the house. "Okay, love you too," Jin yelled back and watched him run out the front door.

Jungkook sped down the street to Jin's house. When he reached Jin's house he was relieved to see Jin's car parked in the driveway. Quickly he got out and locked the door. He walked around the side of Jin's house to the back where he saw a little opening in the trees. "Aish," he huffed and walked behind it. It was beautiful to see the way the sun shone through the trees, leaving little specks of light on the ground. "Wow," Jungkook breathed, looking around in awe. "Same thing I said when I first found this place," Taehyung said from further down the path. "This is amazing," Jungkook smiled. Taehyung nodded in agreement and stopped a couple of feet in front of Jungkook.

When he was finally over his initial shock Jungkook apologized. "I'm sorry." Taehyung shrugged, "Its whatever." Jungkook sighed, "Don't do that." Taehyung snapped, "Don't fucking do what?" Jungkook flinched at his outburst of profanity. "Don't act like we're fine when you know we're not." Taehyung shifted and rolled his eyes, "Why are we even  arguing right now? I've fucking let it go, you should too." Jungkook took a step forward, "Have you really because if you had, you wouldn't be so defensive right now. This is something you do on the regular though, huh? You pretended like you let go of everything he did to you just like you're pretending that what I did isn't bothering you."

Taehyung backed away, "What are you talking about?"

"Kim Hanuel," Jungkook said. There was a flash of anger and fear in Taehyung's eyes before he took off further down the footpath. Jungkook followed him closely, not close enough to really touch him but close enough to talk to him comfortably. "Why didn't you tell me," Jungkook asked. Taehyung only shook his head and ran faster. Suddenly he veered off the path and ran into another opening, only this one was wider than the first.

When Jungkook followed Taehyung into the opening he smiled as he saw the fireflies surrounding them instantly. The trees had suddenly retreated, leaving them with grass and a beautiful sight to behold. There was a pond surrounded by grass on all sides except for one. It was really something to see, especially with the way fireflies were slowly coming out and blinking every so often. Taehyung, who had been here a thousand times before, was amazed at the sight.

Instead of taking time to enjoy the sight Jungkook leapt and landed on Taehyung's back, dragging him down to the ground. "Get the hell off of me," Taehyung yelled, wiggling under him. "Talk to me then," Jungkook said, sitting on Taehyung's back. "How the fuck am I supposed to talk when you're pushing all the air out of my lungs?" Jungkook said, "Oh. I'm sorry." He got off quickly and flipped Taehyung onto his back. When Taehyung was turned over Jungkook laid across his stomach again.

"Talk," Jungkook said. "I don't know what to talk about," Taehyung grumbled. Jungkook only shrugged and looked around some more. Taehyung, being as stubborn as he was, just sat and watched Jungkook look around until he got bored. "Fine," he huffed, "I found this place after I got into a fight with Jin hyung and I needed to clear my head. I pop up every so often to cut the grass and relax, but that's about it." Jungkook nodded.

"What was the fight about," Jungkook asked curiously. Taehyung frowned, "It was over us having differing opinions on how a certain situation should be resolved." Jungkook snorted, "That sounded really professional, don't talk to me like that. Talk to me as though I'm your boyfriend." Taehyung looked down at him, amused. "I though you already were my boyfriend?" Jungkook nodded, "I am, but talk to me as though I am. You talk to me like I'm a stranger."

Taehyung said softly, "You might as well be a stranger from how little you know about me, but I'll give you some new information. I love coming here. Its so quiet and tranquil, its relaxing. I wish it didn't bring back bad memories sometimes though." Jungkook turned on his stomach and laid back down across Taehyung, "What bad memories?" Taehyung sighed and looked at him sadly, "Promise that no matter what you'll love me?" Jungkook frowned and nodded, "No matter what I will always love you, promise."

Taehyung slightly smiled and told his very long and depressing story.

Another one. I really looked forward to this chapter and I hope you enjoyed. I feel terrible emotionally and physically, but I guess its okay. Love you all! PEACE!!

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