Ch 46: Years

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Warning: You might cry or punch a squirrel. I know some of you guys are VIOLENT AF but I still love you all 


One Year Later

Luna's POV:

I groaned as I slowly laid down on my bed. My muscles were sore from today's training, even my mind was too tired to even think. Basically, my whole body felt like shutting down and hibernating for a couple of days, maybe even some months. It's been a year and every day, they truly tested our capabilities. 

But don't get me wrong, as hard as the training was, Rosie and I love it. We know that each and every day we were just getting stronger. In this place, they treated us just like everyone else. No one had a status here. No one was treated with specialty. Everyone was the same, no more, no less.

Respect was a major key in this place even though none of our rankings in the real world mattered. I even made many friends through the course of just one year. But as many friends that I had here, there was still an ache in my heart, an emptiness.

I looked over at my night stand to stare at the family picture of my brothers and I. Oh how I missed them so much. Rosie whimpered and whined, she missed their wolves.

I stared at the thick pile of letters on the night stand. The most recent letter I got was this morning and I had yet to read it. As promised, my brothers wrote to me every week and every week as promised, I would write one back.

I slowly ripped open the envelope and began to read the letter.

Our Dearest Luna,

It's been a year since you've been with us and every day seems so lonely without you.

Our wolves are going crazy without you but don't worry, we shall manage. Just another year and a half baby. Then you'll be ours forever. But even though you are miles away, you carry our hearts with you.

The other day we all felt a sudden pain in our face like someone had punched us. When we realized that it was your feelings,  we almost lost it. We're so tempted to come visit baby. You don't understand how much we miss you.

We're doing everything we can to stay in control but you understand how every thing is doubled especially with our blood line. Don't worry, we are still waiting for you. We felt your pain during your last heat, it tore us apart knowing that we couldn't do anything to help you.

Angel, please make sure you are taking care of yourself. As for the kingdom, we have already solved the vampire issue thanks to you. You were right about some of them being of high ranks. But we already talked to their king and queen and everything is going great. If we had instructed to kill them, who knows how bad the war would've been.

Also we're glad how people reacted to seeing your wolf. You might think that they would freak out but we're glad everything turned out alright. Glad to also hear that you've learned how to use your wings. We can't wait to see you use them for the first time. 

Baby we know you're pretty busy and probably really tired right now so we're going to wrap this letter up and let you do what you do. Remember, write to us as soon as you can. And always remember, that we love you.

Take care, our little princess.

I wiped the tears that streamed down my cheeks. Rosie howled out for them, wishing that they were holding us. I stared at the beautiful cursive letters. It was Tyler who wrote this letter this week. Every week they would take turns writing it for everyone.

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