Ch 49: Alive

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Happy Holidays everyone! Consider this chapter as a gift from me to you guys! ❤️
Editing Credit to: pikachu81624
Luna's POV:

James winced as I gently pressed the pack of ice against his bruised up knee. Earlier in the training center it was blue, now it was getting more purple by the minute. I was tempted to persuade him to go to Elopsun or one of the Village doctors but I knew the hardheaded man in front of me would just push the advice away.

On the other side of the couch was Niko, Alex, and Josh taking a nap with small cuts and bruises on their faces. They leaned against each other which sent a smile to spread across my face. They looked like cute bad boys taking a little nap. I guess I wore them out earlier. I kissed James' forehead lightly as he too began to close his eyes. They were very tired from today all because of me, and I'm very grateful about it.

Getting up from my seat, I walked up the stairs towards my bedroom to take a shower. After my quick shower, I slipped on a short white night gown before making my way downstairs to where the others were. On the way there, I realized that someone was upstairs in the office. I slowly began to creep up the stairs before hearing the rustling of papers with heavy footsteps. My heart began to race as I got closer to the door.

It was impossible for it to be one of my brothers. All of them were asleep downstairs and Tyler was making dinner in the kitchen last time I saw him.

Finally getting closer to the door, I also found the room to be completely pitch black. Walking slowly into the room, I saw a tall dark figure in a corner. For a moment I really thought it was one of my brothers until I heard it's voice.

"My, my, my. Look at my little niece. Doesn't she just look.. ravishing," the dark menacing voice said. My heart sank to my stomach and all of a sudden I felt sick. I started to back out of the room until the door immediately slammed shut. I quickly ran towards it and began banging on it frantically.

"Tyler!! James! Josh! Niko! Alex!," I cried out, "Someone please help me!"

I continued to bang on the door, trying to break it down but it wasn't budging at all. I began to panic as the man in the corner slowly made his way towards me. His figure was almost like a shadow but as he got closer, it was still quite dark to see his face. All I could see was his grim sinister smile as he got closer.

I screamed louder than ever, begging the moon goddess and Rosie to help me, but none of them answered. I tried shifting but it wasn't working either. I felt powerless, trapped, and hopeless. As the figure got closer, I was pulled down on the floor by my ankles to only be held down as if someone was laying down on top of me. Suddenly I felt my white nightgown being ripped off of my body and my legs being forced to be spread wide open.

I began to cry as I felt rough cold hands caressing my body. Looking up, the dark figure of the man was just standing over me but someone was controlling this sexual assault. I opened my mouth to cry out for help but no sound came out. It was like I was paralyzed, trapped in my own body as an unknown person continued to hurt me this way. I felt hopeless, weak. I wanted my brothers, my mates. Anyone who would save me from this!

As I tried to fight through the muteness, the dark figure suddenly stooped in front of me, a dark cloak covering their face. Slowly the person or thing, whatever it was, pulled it's cloak of to reveal him. My heart sank, it was him, my uncle. The one who was believed to have died in a rogue attack many years ago. My heart began to race as a large sinister smile slowly began to spread cross his face. His eyes grew darker as he began to growl. I tried to move away but I was paralyzed. I couldn't move, couldn't speak. I was powerless.

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