Ch 48: Bonding

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Luna's POV:

I picked up six more pieces of bacon and five sausages before cooking them as well. The sound of sizzling meat filled the room and so did the amazing aroma of it.

At the this rate, I'm sure one of my brothers were already awake. Rosie got excited at the thought. She loved speaking with their wolves even through mink link in their own way. It seems that they're as close as I am to my brothers.

Going to the fridge, I took out the large pitcher of orange juice and began to pour some of the juice on 3 cups. Putting the juice away, I walked over to the coffee machine and poured 2 cups of coffee for James and Tyler. Turning back to the sizzling meat, I took them off of the pan and placed them all on a large plate.

Knowing my brothers, these men ate a lot. Well, werewolves usually do, especially people with Alpha and Beta blood. But since my brothers are Alpha Kings, everything is trippled a normal werewolf without any special blood experiences.

Anger, depression, hunger, thirst, anxiety, strength, intelligence, even desire and lust is either doubled or tripped. It was quite overwhelming at times, even for myself.

Flipping two pancakes at a time to fasten my cooking, I then began to set up the dining table for breakfast. Usually my brothers and I would eat together, especially during dinner time. Just as I was making another batch of pancakes, I began to sense them. Well, two of them.

"Fuck, that dress should be illegal," Niko groaned, his voice rough and groggy. Smiling to myself, I turned around to see Niko and Tyler standing there with messy hair. Their pajamas hanging low on their waist, showing off their strong broad bodies that almost had my mouth water.

Turning back to my task, I placed all the pancakes at a tall stack on a plate. Niko almost drooled, either at the sight of myself or the food. Who knows? Maybe even both!

"Our little sister should be sleeping like a princess right now, not cooking for us. That's our job," Tyler said, his voice sending sweet shivers down my spine. He walked over to me and kissed my shoulder before pulling away, "Thank you for the breakfast my love."

"It's nothing, I was awake and I couldn't go back to sleep so I decided to just make you guys breakfast since you guys made dinner and did the dishes today," I said.

"Yeah I couldn't sleep anymore either. Tyler snores like a fucking pig," Niko chuckles before kissing my cheek. Tyler on the other hand just glared daggers at Niko who was heading towards the dining room. Tyler takes the tray of drinks and heads towards the same direction.

After the last batch of bacon and sausages, I too left the kitchen and made my way to the dining room. To my surprise, all my five boys were all there, sitting and waiting for me. I took my seat in between James and Alex just as everyone had begun to pile up their plates. For a moment, I was thankful I made so much food. These men eat like there's no tomorrow.

I smiled to myself as I continued to eat as well. While my brothers had their dumb debates about random things again, I allowed myself to zone out, thinking freely about anything at the moment.

For one, I was thinking about Gary, did he find his mate? Was it Sarah? Speaking of Sarah, I knew I had to call her sooner or later just in case she already began to panic and worry. Believe it or not, Sarah was wild but at the same time, she was like a mother.

Then my mind drifts off to what happened last night with James. I mean nothing serious happened but his sweet loving words from last night still held its special place in my heart.

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