Chapter 2

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Grace's POV

The energy running through my body right now is crazy. There's music playing and people are dancing and the concert hasn't even started yet. The current song that's on is Do what you want by Lady Gaga. I can't explain how amazing this feels right now. I get to see my idols in concert, and I actually get to meet them. All thanks to Emily of course. I haven't stopped hugging her. "Emily I love you so much oh my god."

Emily laughs. "I know I'm amazing. Love you too. Now please stop strangling me. People are staring," She says while laughing.

"I'm sorry I can't help it! You gave me the opportunity to possibly meet my idols!"

She smiles. "How about this. If you stop strangling me I'll buy you an emblem3 sweatshirt."

"Ok, but you have to use my money to buy it," I reply.

"Deal," she says while grabbing the money I'm holding out to her. "Save my spot!" She calls as she walks off to buy the sweatshirt.

When she gets back, I notice the crowd has gotten bigger and more people are coming in. "It took forever to find my way back over here," she says handing me the sweatshirt.

"Thank you!" I tell her. The lights dim and I instantly start screaming my butt off. Even though this is just the opening act, I'm really excited I just can't help it. Jackson Guthy is the opening act and I have to admit, he's really good. He looks at me a couple times during his performances but that's probably because I was jumping and screaming in his face whenever he was in front of me. I laugh at myself.

When Jackson's done, MKTO comes on and I feel even more high than I already was. They sing Classic and Thank You, some of my favorite songs ever, and some other songs. I don't notice how crazy everyone is until some blonde girl grinding on some guy bumps into me. God some people can be really rude. I notice some other people giving them weird looks. I'm pretty sure the guy knows Wesley, Drew, and Keaton but I'm not sure. I also notice all the other people grinding and also a few younger kids, kids that are like ten. Why would people grind each other with ten year olds around? God people can be so stupid sometimes. I also notice that a lot of people have fainted and some have been dragged out. This is crazy.

Once MKTO are done performing, there's a break in between. I decide I should probably get water. "Hey guys I'm gonna go get a water. Do you what anything?" I ask.

"No," Emily says.

"We're fine," Calissa says.

"Ok! I'll be right back. Guard my spot with your life," I say before heading towards a table with drinks. "Can I get a bottle of water?" I ask politely.

"Yes," the lady replies. She tells me the amount I owe her and I quickly hand it over. I walk back to my place in the front. Once I get there, I open up the bottle and take a long sip from it.

"Ok now you're making me thirsty," Emily says, clearly watching me drink. "Can I have a little?"

I laugh. "Sure" I hand her the bottle and she takes a couple sips before handing it back. I'm about to drink from it when I see a security guard come up to us. "Is this Emily Faye, Grace Corbin, and Calissa Wood?" He asks.

"Yes," Emily replies with a tone of nervousness in her voice.

"Come with me, you're getting your pictures with emblem3 taken now," he says

"Ok," Emily says. We met a couple of girls who are standing next to us in the front while we were waiting. "Could you watch our spots for us?" Emily asks them.

"Of coarse!" One of the girls replies.

"Thanks so much"

We follow the guard towards where we're supposed to get our pictures taken. I feel my heart rate increase as we walk.




'This is it,' I think to myself. 'This is your chance to meet your idols'

The first person I see is Wesley, taking a picture with a young girl who looks about thirteen years old. That's when I notice Drew and Keaton too.

My heart rate gets even faster.

four, five, six

It looks like we're gonna be the last group to get our pictures taken. I watch as the guys take a couple pictures with a few more people. They just finished with the group two groups ahead of us. That's when I make eye contact with Wesley.


We stare at each other for a good five seconds until he has to take a couple pictures with the group ahead of us.

'What was that?' I think to myself.

When it's our turn to take a picture, I'm shaking like crazy. Emily runs straight to Keaton and Calissa goes to Drew. That leaves Wes. I'm so nervous. I walk up to him.

"Hey," Wes says with a smile.

"Hi," I reply with a huge smile on my face.

"What's your name?"


"That's beautiful," he replies looking straight into my eyes. I blush like crazy and he obviously notices because his gorgeous smile grows. He opens up his arms to hug me. I can't breath right now. I except and hug him back. It's the greatest feeling ever. I smile huge for the camera. I feel him put his head on mine and that's when I remembered I have to pee. Crap I say to myself. At least I didn't actually pee. That would've been embarrassing. After we take a few pictures, Wesley doesn't let go of me. I could stay like this forever. "Well hey, it was nice meeting you," he tells me.

"You too," I reply with a huge smile spread across my face.

He smiles at me and it looks like he's hesitating to say something. "Maybe I'll see you at another concert" he replies.

"Definitely," I smile at his beautiful face. I notice him studying my face for a second before saying goodbye. I say goodbye back before walking over to where Emily and Calissa are standing, but I feel a tap on my shoulder. "You dropped this," Wes says handing me the sweatshirt Emily bought for me.

"Oh thanks," I say before I take my sweatshirt. When I grab it, my hand brushes Wesley's, and we sort of just stand there staring at each other. It was awkward but kind of cute how he blushed a little. Oh my god does he like me?

(Hey guys!!

Oh my god the feels writing this chapter!!

Sorry this was kind of short, but chapter three is on its way so stay tuned! I'm really excited. Please tell your friends and vote!

Love you guys!)

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