Chapter 12

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Grace's POV

I wake up feeling joyful for the first time. The memories of last night's events come flowing through me when I scan the interior of my new room. Wow. My room is huge. I roll over to check the time, 4:30 am. I barely got any sleep last night, but I feel replenished and energized.

I decide its best if I unpack and get everything set up. I start with my clothes and I organize everything. I put shorts, jeans, and anything pants wise all folded up in the drawers that are installed in my closet. Then I continue with tops and jackets. That leads to anything that's an undergarment. After that, I organize my bikinis, my dresses, skirts, and shoes. Once I have everything organized, I sort through whatever accessories are left over. After everything with my closet is all set up and organized, I tuck my bags and suitcases at the back of my closet.

When I finish with my closet, I sort all of my makeup, body wash, shampoo, etc, in my bathroom. I double check to make sure everything is organized and in order. After that, anything extra that doesn't have a place to go, I sort through.

After I spend a couple hours preparing my room and setting everything up, I go downstairs to grab a bowl of cereal. I think my dad, Thomas, and Logan are still in bed because the kitchen is vacant and so are all the other rooms downstairs. I finish my cereal and decide I should help out with some of the organizing that still needs to be done. I decide to help out with food by putting all the refrigerated food into the refrigerator and the rest of the food in the pantry. After a half an hour of working with food, I hear my dad and Thomas walk down the stairs.

"Good morning," I say to them. "I organized all the food by the way"

"Thank you Grace," my father replies.

"Dad, what am I supposed to do about school?" That question has been haunting me.

"Don't worry about it. I'm taking care of it. In the meantime, I need you to give Thomas your phone. I'm having him set up a plan for you guys and I'm having him change your numbers so your mom can't reach you,"

"Ok," I say willingly, handing Thomas my phone. "Is there anything I can help with?"

"Not right now. I suggest you enjoy your first day here,"

"Ok," I reply as I run upstairs. I can't really go do anything since Thomas has my phone, so I decide to listen to some music for an hour until he gets back.

Wesley's POV

God, I miss her so much.

I keep imagining her beautiful smile in my mind and I keep replaying her adorable laugh. I need to get my mind off of her.



"I'm gonna go surf! Wanna come?!"

"Maybe later. I'm in the middle of a really good song right now"


I grab my board and wetsuit as I run out the door. I surf for about two hours before Keaton comes and joins me. We surf for a while before deciding to head back.

Grace's POV

I think I'll go to the beach, so to prepare I put on a blue Roxy bikini. I put on Hollister shorts and my We Love the Sea Woman's tank from Tilly's. I finish off my outfit by leaving my hair down and natural and slipping on some sandals. I quickly brush my teeth, and when I hear Thomas enter the house, I run downstairs and grab my phone, giving Thomas a kiss on the cheek before running off towards the beach. I make sure I grabbed my earphones before running off into the sand. I text Emily and let her know everything that happened. She replied saying that she was going to come down to Huntington Beach right now. She's really persuasive. I bet she can come and stay for the weekend. I pull out my earphones and listen to music. Of coarse my favorite song comes on, Mmm Yeah by Austin Mahone and Pitbull, and I have to sing along as I watch people surf.

I've spent practically four hours, sitting on the beach, listening to music, when I'm interrupted by two arms rapping around my neck. I swear I'm being kidnapped until I look up and see Emily's face staring down at me. I jump up and hug her.

"Oh my god you actually showed up!" I shout.

"Well once I heard my best friend was living in Huntington I just had to get involved and come down." I'm literally so excited right now. Emily and I sit down and chat for about an hour longer.

We decide to take a walk along the beach. I study the magnificent waves as we walk by, but I'm distracted when an angry seagull tries to attack me, I attempt to run from it when I'm interrupted by running into someone's chest. I instantly feel horrible and embarrassed and I start to blush.

I'm about to apologize when I look up and notice who it is.

"Wes?!" I practically scream.

"Grace?!" Wes shouts as he throws his arms around me. I hug him back and feel the tears run down my face.

But this time, they're tears of joy.

(Hey guys!

I couldn't sleep. So I wrote haha.

Yay!! They're back together.

If you have any ideas of good song choices for this chapter, please comment some. I'd love to know.

Anyway, stay tuned!

Remember to tell your friends and vote and comment!!

Love you guys!!)

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