Chapter 11

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Grace's POV

I didn't notice how far Huntington Beach was until I started drifting off halfway there. I can't let myself fall asleep, so I turn up the volume on the radio enough where it can keep me awake but not wake up Logan and listen to Classic by MKTO. Awwww.

They opened at the concert.

I check the time, 12:01. We've been driving for a good four hours and we still have three or four left to go.

I didn't know driving for this long would be this exhausting. I start to think about what it will be like there.

We'll probably live close to beach again. I bet we'll have enough room to get a pet, which is exciting. I feel like there will be nice weather. I'll have to go to a new school, though. I'll have to make new friends.

I'm a little stressed with this because 1. I love my friends and I don't want to replace them with anyone, and 2. I'm really bad at making new friends.

Well this should be fun. (sarcasm)

I continue to think about what will happen when we get there, until Logan wakes up. I turn down the music.

"Hey buddy," I say.

"Hey," He croaks.

We talk about how life will be like in Huntington Beach for the rest of the drive there. We go over all the positives, as well as the struggles of living there. We are both really excited to endure this new adventure, but also quite nervous. We both have and similar view on this. It's not that we're scared that our mom will find us, but that we'd want to go back, which I don't understand why we would want to. Either way, I'm glad we had this conversation. Me and Logan don't talk much. He's either always on his Xbox or there's just nothing to talk about. I feel like one positive thing I can take back from this is that I can bond more with my little brother.

"Do you think you'd want to learn how to surf?" I ask.

"Probably. It sounds really fun," he replies.

"We can take lessons together if you want?" I offer.

"No that'll be too embarrassing," he says.

I laugh. We talk for a little while longer before he falls asleep again. I continue driving for the rest of the distance I have to cover. It's truly exhausting.

Keaton's POV

I've been up all night just thinking. I feel really bad for Wes. He's really hurting about Grace. I've never seen him have this much passion for someone before. It's not like him to be this down. He's even tried hooking up with girls to satisfy himself. If you ask me, I'd say that's not the way to go. I understand his pain, but I feel like he's only effecting himself even more if he continues to hook up with random sluts.

I don't know how to snap him out of it. I know I can't fix his feelings for Grace and the sadness he's facing, but I don't want him to waste his time getting dirty with whores. I personally feel like if I mention music and all the work we should be focusing on that that will distract him from it, but I tried and it didn't work. That means he really likes this girl.

I'll just have to figure out away to find her.


Way to be a stalker Keaton.

Grace' POV

Before I get even more exhausted, time catches up to me and we've arrived at the house and I see my dad sitting on the steps, waiting for us to pull up into the driveway. As we pull in, he instantly gets up. I wake up Logan and we step out of the car. Our dad hugs both of us for what seems like ten minutes.

"I'm so glad you guys made it," he tells us. "Alright, you guys. I'll help you unpack," my dad says as he and Logan go over to my car to unpack his stuff. I go over with them and unpack my bags. I put them all in the kitchen. My dad is busy helping Logan set up his Xbox, so I decide to go outside for a little. I sort of just stand there in silence, taking in my surroundings, well as much as I can see through the darkness. As a breeze blows my long, wavy hair, I breath in the fresh, salty air, but I instantly feel pain creep into my heart. The ocean reminds me of Wesley.

I continue to think about Wesley, but a car pulling into the driveway interrupts my train of thought. I watch as Thomas gets out of the car. I talk with him a little bit about the drive, but the longer I'm up, the more exhaustion I feel roll into me.

We enter the house right as Logan and our dad finish placing the Xbox.

"Alright you're all here," he tells us. "I'm sure you're exhausted so I'm not going to bother you right now. I understand you probably have a lot of questions but I'll answer them tomorrow," he informs us. We say our quick good nights and I love yous and than we grab our stuff and head upstairs.

I'm too tired to explore the house like I usually do, so I just pick a random room. It's nice. It has a bathroom, a giant walk in closet, and a huge window with a view of the ocean. I swear, this room is paradise. I quickly pull out my light blue bed spread and prepare my bed for sleeping by adding fluffy pillows, soft blankets, and cuddly stuffed animals. I swear, I'm still a nine year old.

Once my bed is all set up, I grab sweats, cozy socks, and a tank top and my toiletry bag. I quickly change and brush my teeth. I put my hair in a bun and hop right into bed.

Once I relax in the comfort of my many pillows, blankets, and stuffed animals, I feel the exhaustion wash over me, and I instantly fall asleep.

(Hey guys!!

Sorry I haven't written at all today. I was with a friend and yeah.

So I thought it was cool to add Keaton's POV to this chapter so yeah, that's what I did haha

I hope you enjoyed! Wesley will probably show up within a chapter or two.

Please tell your friends and vote and comment!

I seriously love you guys!! <3)

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