Chapter 9

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Grace's POV

I sit down next to Emily feeling really uncomfortable. Apparently everyone found out what happened between me and Wes. Most of the class has turned around by now, but I can still feel Melissa's death stare on the back of my neck. I try to ignore it and focus on English but it doesn't help. She'll always be secretly damning me to hell. God I can't stand her. I decide since I can't focus on my work, I'll just have to think about something I know I can focus on.


By the time I've gone over every wonderful thing that I've discovered so far about Wesley, first period is over and I skip through second and third real quickly.

Once third period is over, I head to my locker to exchange books and grab money to buy lunch. As I'm walking to the cafeteria for food, I'm suddenly thrown into the wall.

"What the fuck Melissa?!" I shout.

"Why would he like a virgin like you? I'd think he'd choose someone who won't bore him to death," she replies, clearly ignoring what I said previously.

"Oh save it Melissa! You don't know Wesley! He's actually a good person who's doesn't get a girl just for sex! He's not a whore like you!" I state.

"Sweetie, don't even bother going out with him. He's never going to love you."

"I see what you're doing here! You're trying to get me to back down so you can move in. Well I'll have you know, Wes is better than you think. He'd never love a slut."

I can feel her nails digging into my arm. "You stay away from him or I'll-"

"Or you'll what? Call me a slut? Or a whore? Or a bitch? I don't care anymore! Your insults mean nothing. So fuck off and get I life." I say, while trying to pry myself out of her grip, but she only tights her grip even more. I see her fist fly up and I close my eyes, but I don't feel a punch. I open my eyes and see someone pulling Melissa off of me.

"Leave and take your fucking drama with you," Robbie says firmly at Melissa. She scoffs and leaves the hallway. "Are you ok?"

"Yeah, thanks Robbie," I say giving him a hug.

"Your welcome. Hey, Calissa told me everything that happened between you and Wes," he says hugging me back. "I'm sorry"

I can't help but cry now. "It just really hurts because I've never felt this way about anyone and I don't know what to do," I cry into Robbie's shoulder.

"Hey don't cry. You'll figure it out. You always do." He assures me. I eventually calm down and relax. Robbie and I grab food, and walk towards the tree where Emily, Calissa, and Percy are sitting. Percy obviously notices I've been crying because he runs over and hugs me.

"Awwwwww poor Grace," he says in the biggest baby voice I've ever heard. It makes me laugh a little and he continues. "I'm sowwy about what happened between yew and Wes," he says again.

"Ok Percy you can stop now," I say laughing. "You don't have to cheer me up"

"What are you talking about?"

"nevermind" wait he didn't do that on purpose?

"Do you wanna talk about it?" Emily asks. "It might make you feel better"

"Ok," I say as I begin to tell them everything. I get to the part where Wes attempted to kiss me, but Percy stops me there.

"Wait, he tried to kiss you?" Percy asks.


"The Wesley Stromberg tried to kiss you?!"

"Yes Percy," he makes a weird little shriek thing and I laugh. He complains how he hates fangirls and doesn't want to be associated with them yet he acts like one. Robbie seems to have noticed what I did because when we make eye contact we both start cracking up.

"OH MY GOD ARE YOU SERIOUS!!!" Emily and Calissa scream.

"Yes!" I laugh.

I have to admit, it feels pretty nice to sit here and talk to my friends about this. They always know how to cheer me up. For the rest of lunch, I finish telling them what happened with Wes and I.

The rest of fourth and fifth period go by pretty quickly. I drive to Starbucks and get there early. I text Thomas that I'm at Starbucks while I finish some of my homework.
I get a text back from him saying:

Ok got it ;)
I'll be there with Logan in twenty minutes
Love you

I smile at the message and work on the rest of my homework until they arrive.

(Hey guys!!
I'm on a roll here haha I'm flying through these chapters
I hope you're enjoying them
Wesley's gonna come back soon so yeah haha
Please tell your friends and vote and comment!!!
Love you guys!!)

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