Part 6

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A couple of hours later they were in a private room at a restaurant, several bottles of soju and beer already gone between the group as they ate their meal. Feeling relaxed and increasingly full on multiple servings of hanu, rice, soup, noodles, and a dozen side dishes to complement the alcohol, they turned to discussing their latest projects. Ken told some funny stories from backstage at his musical and imitated his cast members; Ravi talked about the shows and interviews he'd done for his album, ideas he already had for the next one, and complained that Hongbin hadn't come to see him at a music program like the rest of the group.

"You know I would've if my schedule permitted, Wonsik-ah," Hongbin began apologetically, "but being the main character tends to keep one pretty busy since you're in about 85% of the scenes," he finished a little smugly, then flashed his dimples to show he was teasing.

"That may be true," Ken interjected with a twinkle in his eye, "but I bet it's more likely you didn't want to leave, even if you could, when your lovely costar was shooting without you."

"Well you couldn't blame him for that; she's one of the hottest actresses right now. Our Bin-ah was lucky to get cast with her," stated N as he took a bite of meat and rice. "So what's she like in real life? I bet she's as sweet as the characters she likes to play." With a provocative eyebrow wiggle N stage whispered, "Is she a good kisser? WAS IT HOT??" causing Binnie to nearly spit out his drink.

The rest of the group laughed uproariously as Hongbin choked on his soju and tried to splutter a response. As he cleared his throat and reached for a cup of water, he noticed that down at the end of the table it looked like he wasn't laughing as hard as the others; in fact, he looked almost as uncomfortable as Binnie felt at the question, but before he could dwell on the moment he was distracted by Leo chiming in.

"Hey, you know we don't give spoilers when the show's not finished airing yet."

"I know, I know," Hakyeon answered in a slightly disappointed tone. He turned back to Hongbin, who'd recovered from his coughing fit and consciously kept quiet to avoid answering the question.

"At least tell us something about what you filmed yesterday. Like..." the oldest member thought for a moment. "...ah! Where were you filming and what were you wearing?" he inquired.

"Well," Binnie thought back to yesterday's shoot and, trying not to give too much away, said, "we started off outside at the Han river and I was wearing nice casual clothes, then for the last scene we moved into a..." He wanted to say "church," but felt like that would be too big a spoiler, so he awkwardly continued, "...a nice building. She was wearing a pretty dress and I had to wear a -" Again, he almost said "tuxedo" but caught himself, quickly fished around his brain for another description and came up with "fancy suit."

"Hmmm...'in a nice building wearing a fancy suit' at the end of the series..." Ken made a show of thinking hard as he spoke. "Was it, by chance, a black and white suit, and did there happen to be a lot of flowers and Bibles in that building?" the self-described "cutie main vocal" asked slyly.

Hongbin, knowing he wasn't fooling anyone, chuckled and replied simply, "No comment" with a quirk of his lips and a rueful look up as he took a drink. He noticed his members nod and smile as they recognized what he was talking about, though out of the corner of his eye Hongbin thought he saw a grimace mar the handsome features of his favorite face. When he turned his gaze that way, however, Binnie realized the other man was drinking somaek and attributed the odd look to the strong drink's peculiar taste.

When they'd finished their meal the discussion turned to what to do next. A couple of them suggested heading to a noraebang as they'd usually do, but to everyone's surprise, someone else spoke up and suggested a new club that had opened up a few blocks down.

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