Part 11

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Hyuk lifted his head to see Hongbin watching him with an odd look on his face - his dimpled smile fluttering in and out of view, held back by apprehension.

"Are you...ok?" Binnie asked hesitantly. "Was it...?" But when Hyuk sat up and cut him off with a hot, tender kiss, Hongbin had all the answer he needed. When they broke apart, Hongbin was grinning in earnest. "Someday, I'm going to watch you do that all day long," he promised.

"I'll look forward to that," Hyuk replied in a husky voice with a smile of his own. He noticed Binnie was holding one hand slightly away from himself and was mortified when the reason why dawned on him. "Oh! What should we do? I'm sor-"

Hongbin had noticed the direction of his gaze and quickly put a finger to Hyuk's lips, shushing him, and looked fiercely into his quizzical eyes. "Don't be sorry about that. Ever. I don't think it's gross because it means I made you feel that and you didn't fake it." Hyuk nodded, a lump in his throat as his heart swelled with love for his more mature hyung who seemed to know exactly what to say to soothe away his insecurities. "I don't want to get it everywhere, though," Binnie said as he stood and grabbed one of the towels they'd used after showering earlier, unfazed by his nudity. Walking back over as he wiped his hand, he didn't notice the other man's gaze drop down to his pelvis as he said, "You must be tired. Do you want your pajamas - " and was surprised when Hyuk grabbed his arm, tugged him tenderly but firmly down to his knees, then swung him around onto his back on the bedding in one smooth move.

Now hovering above his lover, Hyuk asked heatedly, "How can I be tired when it's your turn?" as he straddled his partner and proceeded to trail a line of hot kisses down Binnie's body, forehead to hip.

Propping himself up on his elbows, the older man started, "You don't have to... I, ah..." Hongbin tried form the words as a red-hot fog of need clouded his senses in response to his group mate's ministrations. He tried again, "It's fi-" he began, only to interrupt himself with a hissed, "Yeesssss...!" as he watched Hyuk delicately run a single finger up his erect penis, base to tip, causing Binnie's eyes to flutter and his head to drop back in pleasure.

Leaning forward to place a hand on Hongbin's firm, heaving chest, Hyuk pushed him back down onto his back and said soberly, "Let me, hyung. Please." He saw Binnie give in and relax, and smiled to himself as he directed his focus downward once again. Just thinking that Hongbin was probably feeling exactly what he had minutes ago gave Hyuk a rush of gratification. He took Hongbin's erection in hand and rubbed his thumb over the tip, listening to his love suck in a sharp, whimpering breath in response as his body tensed. He closed his hand around the pulsing organ and intoned approvingly, "So hard, Bin-ah," as the man in question groaned and lifted his hips into the delicious feeling, eyes closed and hands fluttering - now on the bedding, now in his hair, now fingering his nipple - a reflection of his increasing loss of control.

Binnie was floating, weightless, as Hyuk's long, slow strokes pulled him higher and higher into the clouds. And when Hyuk pulled Hongbin's erection toward him and changed his grip so he was stroking down instead of up, Hongbin flew. He was only dimly aware that he was panting Hyuk's name in time with each stroke, the tempo slowly speeding up, fully focused on reaching the light that was drawing him in.

Hyuk drank in every sound his lover made, figuring out what made his breath catch and how much pressure he needed to make his moans louder. He could tell when he'd finally brought Binnie to the edge as his words turned into staccato syllables; the strained, "H- K- AH- HYU- H- H-" was music to his ears. Following his instinct, the younger man leaned forward and used his other hand to pinch Hongbin's left nipple while he closed his mouth over the right one and sucked gently.

Hongbin came with a scream that must've woken their neighbors, shuddering as the incandescent light in his mind's eye exploded and bathed him in waves of molten bliss. Hyuk continued stroking his lover's penis, trying to prolong the orgasm for him, as he gazed with satisfaction at the man writhing beneath him in euphoric gratification.

When the quivering and moaning finally subsided, Hyuk grabbed the the towel his partner had used earlier and wiped his own hand, sparing an apologetic thought for the ajumma who'd be cleaning the room tomorrow. He went to the bathroom and was startled by his own reflection.  The dark, tousled hair was familiar, but the lips swollen from kissing, the slight mark forming on his shoulder from where Hongbin had taken a nibble, and, most of all, the pure happiness glimmering in his eyes were a marked change from when he'd stood here earlier after his shower, dejected and agonized.

Hyuk's bare chest reminded him that he was completely nude, and suddenly he felt insecure and shy. Gingerly and self-consciously walking out of the bathroom and across the room, he quickly located a blanket and lay down next to Hongbin, who was watching him with open arms, heavily lidded eyes, and a look of overwhelming love and utter contentment on his gorgeous face.

They lay together quietly for a while until Hyuk, his face pressed into Hongbin's shoulder and eyes closed, asked in a low tone, "You won't regret it?" He felt Binnie shake his head and stroke his hair.

"The only thing I regret is being blind and stupid for so long. If I'd just gotten over myself we could've done this a long time ago and avoided so much pain," Hongbin answered his lover, then posed a question of his own. "What happens when we go back? I know they told us to make up, but I doubt they imagined...this. I certainly didn't."

Hyuk was silent for a moment, thinking. "I don't know, hyung. We'll have to tell the members. What do you think they'll say? I've always been worried about that, which is why I could never confess my feelings."

"Hmm, me too," Hongbin agreed with a yawn. "But a lot of that was because I was sure it was one-sided and they'd pity me and it would be terrible if you found out. I think that since we're in this together, they'll be happy for us. It might still be awkward with them, but I think it'll come from jealousy, instead of pity, because they'll be third-wheeling all of a sudden."

Hyuk considered this for a moment and smiled at the thought. "But if we tell our members, we'll have to tell the managers also, because it's not like we can hide it from them...and they'll tell the company so we might as well do that ourselves, too. But as for everyone else...Starlights...I really don't know. I guess we'll see what everyone else thinks & make a decision then. We should get our own apartment," he finished on a non sequitur, eliciting a chuckle from Binnie.

"Or at least an officetel where we can have our own space," Hongbin halfway agreed, pulling Hyuk in closer and closing his eyes with a contented sigh. "For now, I think we just need to see where life takes us from here. I'm done fighting myself, Hyuk-ah, trying to deny my own feelings. To think I woke up hating you this morning," Hongbin shook his head in disbelief at how far they'd come in under 24 hours. He tilted his head down to place a kiss on Hyuk's forehead, but met a pair of upturned lips instead for a heart melting kiss.

"You should sleep now, while you can," he advised his boyfriend. Hyuk raised his eyebrows at the last part and Binnie answered his unasked question with one of his own, "You didn't think I was done with you, did you? I already texted N while you were in the bathroom to delay the rescue squad til tomorrow night. We've still got the whole day off," he reminded Hyuk with a wicked grin, and they both shivered in anticipation.

But it had been a long and exhausting day, physically and emotionally, and their eyes refused to stay open as the shared warmth of their naked bodies and the sound of the rain still falling outside lulled them into a more peaceful sleep than either had had in months.

The last thoughts Hongbin had before sleep claimed him were a prayer of gratefulness for the heartache that was blossoming into a true relationship with the man he adored; and a rueful realization that, much as he'd hate doing it and giving him even more fodder for his trademark cockiness, he'd actually have to thank N for setting them up.

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