chapter three

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The Kitchensword count: 2884

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The Kitchens
word count: 2884

Draco leaned back on the velvety lounge chair in the Slytherin common room. He ran his fingers through his blond hair as he sighed of boredom. Pansy Parkinson laid asleep next to him, but to him he thought she was pretending as an excuse to lay her head on his shoulder. With no sympathy, he shot up from the chair and walked out. Pansy instantly woke up and glared at Draco who was leaving the common room.

"W-where are you going?" She demanded, looking far too energetic for someone who had just woken up from a sleep.

Draco rolled his eyes, "out," he replied bluntly.

Pansy scoffed, "so you just want to walk around the halls in the middle of the night and get caught, then lose house point?"

"I'm hungry. Hopefully those bloody elves will get me something if I bring up my father," Draco spat. Pansy got up to join him, but Draco waved her away. "No, I'd rather go alone," he urged. The pug faced girl pouted, then returned to her dormitory. Draco winced as his bare feet made contact with the cold stone upon leaving the Slytherin common room, but he quickly tiptoed up a few staircases and made his way towards the kitchens.

His pace slows as he heard a soft voice converse with he elves. He furrowed his brow in confusion as he carefully made his way into the kitchen, praying that there were no teachers. He stopped in the doorway as he noticed a short figure with long, curly brown hair sitting on the kitchen counter with one bacon strip in her hand and another in between her teeth. Draco cursed to himself, preferring getting caught by a teacher than the Diggory girl that he 'despised'.

Draco was about to leave, but he bumped into a rack of seasonings on his way out, alerting the elves and Arden.

She laughed as Draco fumbled to straighten up the fallen spices, "you're an idiot and a half aren't you?" She teased before taking a bite from her bacon.

Draco scowled, "what do you mean and a half? I'm a whole person Diggory," he spat.

"And you take things too literally," she sighed. "Why are you down here, it's past your bed time Draco."

Draco found himself lost for words, as Arden had addressed him by his first name for he very first time. Arden noticed his shock and rolled her eyes, "excuse me for being polite, I don't really have the energy to bicker like children right now, I just want to eat."

"Well that's exactly why I came here," Draco said defensively.

Arden straightened her posture, subtly trying to compete with him. "Fine."

"Fine," Draco repeated in a more stern tone. He snatched a muffin from the basket beside Arden, but began tossing it between both of his hands as it was too hot for him to hold onto for more than a few seconds. Arden laughed at Draco's ridiculousness before holding her hand out towards Draco, but then lowering it slowly. Draco looked at her oddly, but then quickly realised what she was doing as he could feel the temperature of the muffin decrease as her hand lowered.

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