chapter six

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The Room of Requirementword count: 2745

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The Room of Requirement
word count: 2745

It had taken the group a while to find a decent hiding spot for Harry to teach them all how to defend themselves. Eventually, Neville had found a secret room that would appear only to those who needed it. Dumbledore's Army crowded together as they examined the glassy walls and numerous mannequins that looked like Death Eaters.

Harry noticed Arden beginning to grow anxious. He gripped Arden's hand tighter and leaned in close to whisper in her ear.

"Don't worry, you'll be a natural in no time," he whispered. Arden flashed a quick smile until he looked away, instantly turning her expression back into a frown. She was in no way ready for the immense pressure she'd face.

Harry then let go of her hand and stood in front of the students, telling them that they'd all start with disarming spells and stunning spells. He set up one of the mannequins in front of him and pointed his wand at it. "Expelliarmus!" He called. The mannequin's wand flew into the air, and Harry quickly caught it. He then made everyone form a line where they could each practice the spell and receive feedback from Harry.

Arden made sure that she was as far back in the line as possible. She began twirling the ends of her hair around her fingers to deal with the growing anxiety of performing a spell in front of so many people who were excellent at spells. She stood beside her brother Cedric, who looked down at her worriedly.

"You don't look very enthusiastic," he stated.

Arden rolled her eyes, "thanks for pointing out the obvious, Ced," she snapped.

"You'll be fine, no one here is going to judge you if you get it wrong. We're all here to learn," he reassured. The line was moving a little too fast for Arden's comfort, further increasing her anxiety, since so many people were getting the hang of the spell. It wasn't a difficult spell at all, but for Arden, it was about as difficult as the patronus charm.

It was eventually Arden's turn. She reluctantly pulled out her wand and limply aimed it at the mannequin. Harry gently straightened up her arm and moved it upwards slightly, assisting her with her aim. She was the only one in the whole group that he had touched.

Her breathing was unsteady, causing her hands to shake. Harry noticed and placed his hands on the one holding her wand to steady her grip.

His emerald eyes stared into hers. "It's alright, trust me," he muttered.

Arden put her arm down and took a deep breath. "C-can you just show me how to d-do it first?" She stuttered. She had never felt so nervous before, she had no idea why her legs felt as if they were going to give out, or why she felt like she would vomit. The very thought of her performing magic made her feel so nervous she felt sick.

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