Chapter 13

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I left my washing at Lucy's laundry and put the collection slip in my purse.  The sun was starting to set so I walked across the road and stepped onto beach and walked along the sand. My phone vibrated in my back pocket, I took it out and the caller ID surprised me. 


"Hey Charlie it's Aaron."

"Yeah, how are you?"

"I'm really good." He said his words sounding a bit slurred.

"That's good, is there anything I can do for you?" 

"No I just wanted to chat." 

"Oh, okay." I was surprised because we didn't leave thing on good terms. 

"My gran said you went to see her today."

"I did, I took Harry and some of the guys down for a horse ride."

"How is old Harry doing?" 

"He's fine, Aaron why did you call me?"

"I wanted to tell you I made a new friend."

"That's great Aaron, but I've got to go." I was now in front of my flat, looking up at the balcony.

"Just wait, turns out she is from Hill Side Bay and she knows your friend Harry." 

"Okay are you done?" 

"Almost... She is his ex. Her name is Erin, and when I told her about your budding friendship with Harry. She wasn't too impressed, and she was thinking of coming back for a visit. I just wanted to give you a heads up. Because she seems bat shit crazy." 

"Ah well it was great to chat. Goodbye Aaron." I hung up and just stared at my phone. 

"Hey what are you doing down there?" Harry shouted from the balcony.

"I was on the phone." I said crossing the road and looking up at Harry. 

"Will you get my kit bag out of Spencer's truck?" He asked. 

"Sure toss the keys down for me." He went inside and got the keys while I waited. 

"Catch!" Harry said dropping the keys down, I caught them in my left hand. "Nice catch." I curtsied at his compliment.

"I'll be up in a second." I went round back and got Harry's bag. 

"Thanks to you I almost got fired." I turned around and saw Nina standing at the back door of Carlton's. 

"No, Nina that was all thanks to you. I was enjoying a breakfast with my friends and you came and attacked me." 

"Well there are two sides to each story." She said and walked right up to me. 

"And only my side is right. Nina just leave me alone! I've done nothing to you, why do you hate me?" 

"Because this is my town, and you've just waltzed in here and got every guy in town drooling at you." 

"Is this about Logan?" I asked. 

"Logan, Harry, Nate, Dan and Spencer. Spencer was in town for about an hour before you had him under your spell!" 

"Under my spell? Nina, I'm just nice to people, you should try it some time it works wonders. I don't even know what to say to you. You are being ridiculous!" 

"Charlie, I'm not being ridiculous, okay. You just need to back off and leave the guys in this town alone!" 

"I'm not going to leave them alone because I'm friends with them, okay. And incase you haven't noticed, girls here aren't exactly the easiest to make friends with... despite my best efforts! I thought Lilly and I could be friends but that didn't work, and I've given up trying to please you. So it would make my life so much easier if you weren't waiting for me round every corner, just waiting to pounce and attack me like some kind of animal!" Just as I finished Nina slapped me across the face. "You seriously just slapped me!" I said stunned.

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