Chapter 8

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"Hey you." he said as soon as he saw me. I wanted to turn around and run. 

"Hey, what's up?" I said taking the stairs one at a time. 

"Just wanted to come see you. I haven't seen you since the beach bash." he said opening his arms for a hug. I stepped into it and he squeezed too hard. 

"I can't today... I have to work, sorry." I opened the door and splash was there to greet me. I picked her up and grabbed the bag I had packed with all her toys and her bed, Mia said she had a make shift litter box. 

"Ah the working girl." he said and I turned around and he was blocking the door. 

"I really have to go Aaron I'm sorry. Why don't you go hangout with Lola?" I said, and he looked shocked. "I saw you walk off with her on Saturday..." 

"That has nothing to do with you! Are you jealous Charlie?" he asked he sounded angry and I didn't like it. 

"No I'm not, I did like your friendship but I don't want to be romantically involved with someone who I may never see again. So please get out of my way and out of my house! I'm late for work." I said in a stern voice and he backed up, I locked my door with Splash in my one hand and walked down the stairs without another word to Aaron. 

"Sorry I'm late Mia, I got caught up at the flat." I said putting Splash's bag down. 

"No worries love. Look how big she is getting. Hey kitty, remember this place?" she asked. "She stayed here for about a week before you came." Mia explained. 

"Oh that's cool. What do you want me to do today?" I asked putting Splash down.

"Um, you can tidy up the kids corner first. Then you can be on the register today, if anyone needs help you can help them." 

"Cool. Mia, how is my dad?" I asked her.

"He's busy. But he has taken time off when the baby is due." she said. 

"I think that'll be good for the both of you." I said unpacking Splash's bag putting its contents behind the register. The bell on the door rang and in walked Lilly. 

"Hey Charlie, Mia. How are you haven't seen you since the party when you looked pretty cosy with Nate." Logan stood up and appeared behind one of the shelves, he must have been sorting the books. 

"What do you mean by 'cosy' Lilly?" I asked. 

"He had his arm around your waist and you had yours around his... That's what I mean. I thought you liked Aaron." she said. 

"I told you I don't want to get involved with Aaron because he is leaving, and I was helping Nate walk to the car." I said. "Now if you don't mind I'd like to get back to work. I saw Logan sit back down and he disappeared, I didn't see Harry. I walked over to the kids corner and set out all the cushions nicely. Packed away all the books, made sure it looked nice. Then went back to the register, Mia had left a note for me:

"Charlie, gone to do your groceries. Will drop them at the flat when I'm done. Love Mia." 

She was really great. I folded the note and put it in my pocket. I checked my phone and I had a text from Jared. 

Jared: on the road, I'll arrive at about 2:30. See you soon Green. 

Received at 7:45am

Me: awesome, drive safe!

Sent at 8:01am

Then I got back to work. I saw Harry sneaking behind some of the shelves so I ducked behind the counter when he was out of sight. 

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