*Chapter Two - The Great Melony

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I watch myself as I scrunch up my face in the mirror. Soon three massive thuds sound on the door. It can't be Linnea because she knows not bother me while I'm working on my makeup, thanks to girl code.

Which leaves the only other person for it to be.


"Hey! Come on and lemme get in there already, Melon-head!"

"Go away and give me like ten more minutes!"

"No, I am not leaving anymore! You've said that the last fucking five times I've tried to get your ass out of there!" He roars from the opposite side of the door. I continue to swipe my eyeliner up the side of my eye, creating a black wing that is almost identical to the one on my left eyelid. I honestly have no clue how other females can get their wings to look so perfect, because I can't. At. All.

"Well, I actually mean it this time! Now just go away, I'm almost done." I shout back, slowly applying some dark plum-red lipstick.

"What's taking you so long anyways? I mean, I know it's gotta be hard to make a face like yours actually look presentable but-"

Before he even finishes his sentence I turn around and whip the door open, immediately glaring at the tall, immature man leaning on the door frame in front of me.

"You have about three seconds to leave or I swear to the God above that I will punch you in your stupid little face." I raise my fist up to prove my point. "Plus, I am not that bad to look at!"

"Yeah, yeah. You just keep telling yourself that, sweetheart. Now let me in, I need in here!" He announces, but holds up his hands and takes a large step back from me. I gladly take a step towards him.


"Pleaseeee!" He begs and begins to pout like a small child.


"Melony! This isn't fair!"

"Three!" I scream and lunge at him, luckily for him though, my right fist only came in contact with his right shoulder.

He instantly brings up his left hand and begins to massage his shoulder where I had just punched him. I smirk up at him proudly.

"Ha! I warned you, Stone."

"You punch like a fuckin' man." He grumbles as he massages his shoulder and shoves past me into the bathroom.

"Hey! I wasn't done in there!" I protest as I try to push the door open.

"I don't care, it's my turn now!" He yells back through the door and I hear the lock slide home.

"Hate you."

"Love you, Melon-head."

"Fuck off." I gripe before I stomp to my room and slam the door closed.

After fishing around in my closet for what seemed like years, I finally pull out a simple form-fitted black dress with long sleeves that's goes to just above my knees, a gold pair of flats--I can't wear heels that much because I already tower over most people, male and female-- and a golden clutch. I lay the clothes down on my king size bed along with the dress, before reaching over and checking my phone. I glace at the time first--7:32 pm-- while simultaneously reading a few texts. I read Zayn's first, mainly because he was the last person to text me and I'm too lazy to scroll down through my other messages.

It's been awhile since Perrie getting hurt, she's no better, but she isn't getting worse either. Zayn and I agreed to disagree to put our past behind us. But there's still tension and a little mistrust left between us. But we try and work around it, for Perrie's sake for when she wakes up.

Love Amongst A War ↦ H.S a.u [FINISHED]Where stories live. Discover now