City of Forbidden love

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Chapter 1: time ticks by so slowly.

Clary's POV

"CLARISSA COME JOIN US FOR DINNER!"My father yells. Ugh I hate our family dinners mainly because dad only talks about his pathetic circle, mom just listens and Jonathan pays attention like there is no tomorrow.

I go to my closet and pick out something presentable, if I go out with jeans and a tshirt my mom will freak.

I pick out a tight teal dress, or what I like to call a death trap. I pick out some white stilettos to match and applied a minimal amount of make up.

I present myself downstairs. "It took you long enough."Dad you called me down a couple Minutes ago".I snapped.

"Stop your bickering and let's eat my mother replied."

I sat down beside Jonathan , he was looking at me, he has been a lot lately. wherever I go he would follow, it was getting quite annoying, no girl wants an over protective brother.

Valentine was keep on gibbering about how corrupt the Clave is. Mom was listening attentively, and Jonathan was just picking his food.

"Hey John do you want to go somewhere tonight, let's narrow it down a club?"I ask.

"Nope, never will I ever allow you to go to a club."

"Ughh why john I'm 16 shouldn't I have some freedom. please!"




"Come on john it will be fun!"

"No means no Clarissa. even if I wanted to go which I highly don't, I won't be able to do it."


"Me and sebastian are going demon hunting tonight."

"Ugh seb."I say

Sebastian verlac is one of Jonathan's close friends. sure he is hot but he is a total creep with a capital C. He has a thing with me and always looks like he wants to consume me.

"Well it seems like seb is more of your sibling then I am!"I snap.

"Clary that's not true. he replies, he is just my hunter buddie. who else would I go hunting with?"

"Why don't you take me?"

"Its dangerous Clarissa, you can get hurt."

"Jonathan I'm not a kid anymore! I have been training since I was 3 and mastered everything in the book. I hate it when all you guys baby me I'm a grown shadowhunter and I could do what I please, and that includes demon hunting."

"YOUR THE ANGEL CHILD CLARISSA! And I am the demon. You should be happy that you don't get tortured." His eyes turn 10 shades darker.

This seemed to capture my parents attention.Before jocylen could call john to come back, he already speed out the mansions door.

Everything was quite and all I could think about is time ticks by so slowly.

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