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Thursday June 29th, 2278
Doctor Wayne Harrison
Entry #6
Mojave Desert

Dear Journal, seems like living out here isn't too bad. My associate and I woke up by the campfire today. She has told me that her name is Maria Dawson, she's 31, and is not only a Water Treatment Specialist, but also a hunter. What a combination! She killed 3 Nighstalkers today and we ate them for breakfast.

(Nightstalkers- A mutation of the body of a coyote and the face and tail of a rattlesnake. A very dangerous creature)

I saved the blood and kept it in empty medicine bottles so that we can sell them to any traveling merchants that come on by or if we find a town. Even though we didn't have a cap to our names, we had plenty of supplies to last us a good little bit. We had animals to hunt, we savor our ammo and water, we had plenty of Chems just in case and a first aid kit that can help us, a nice fire, and we even made a little makeshift tent for us both. The best part about all this was that there was not a single person to be spotted for about a mile. We didn't have to worry about The Fiends, Caesar's Legion, Super Mutants, or just plain thugs.

(Super Mutants- Huge behemoths who are often hostile. They stand about 8 feet tall and are extremely dangerous. Some tend to me low of intelligence, others are rather smart, some are friendly and some are VERY harmful.)

Maria is a very nice girl. Over night while we were awake for a little bit, I taught her some first aid basics in case she got hurt while I wasn't around. She caught on very quickly. While hunting out 2 miles east of our camp, we found what appeared to be a small settlement. It was only 3 small buildings standing opposite of each other.

What was great relief about it was that it had a Followers Of The Apocalypse Flag flying high above it. It was almost as if this was our oasis in a vast desert. It must've been a Followers Of The Apocalypse Outpost. Every organized tribe or organization has its own outposts all across The Mojave. Since it was a little late, we decided to just check out the outpost in the morning.

Just in case. So now we're back at our camp eating what we have left of the Nightstalker meat. Let's hope this outpost we decided to investigate isn't abandoned. Then again, if it was abandoned, we could just salvage the medical supplies and other things from inside. So either way, it's a win-win.

Maria looked over at me and said "Wayne, I don't understand something". I asked her what she was talking about. She simply said "Why do people do these kind of things? Pillaging. Stealing. Killing. Why?". I grabbed a stick from the ground and drew a yin-yang in the sand. I pointed at it and said "You know what this is?" She shook her head.

"My dad always told me this was called a yin-yang. What do you notice about it?" She looked at it closely. "One side is dark while the other isn't". I nodded and said "The dark side is all things evil. Dark, bad, predator, hell, all that. And the light is all things good. Light, sun, heaven, life.".

She squinted at it. "Well what's your point?" I put the stick down. "They are all still in a circle. That's the world. One side is good and one side is bad. There will always be both.". She nodded.

"So while there is good, there will be bad. There will never be just good or just bad." She replied with "Ohhhhh. That makes sense". She laid back on her bedroll in her tent. "Say, what was your dad like?" I looked up at the sky. "He was a man who was all about his family. There wasn't anything he wouldn't do for me or my mom. He had molded me into who I am today. With the help of my mom of course."

She smiled wide. "I never knew my mom. My dad died of radiation poisoning when I was 25. Where are your parents?". I smiled to myself. "Hell if I knew. They went missing a while back during a supply expedition. Presumed dead. The bodies have never been found, so they could very well be alive."

She shrugged and said "What happened to the others from the expedition?"
"None of them are at our vault, so they went missing with my parents. Hard to say." I replied. She laid back and said "Maybe we'll find them." I nodded and laid back and went to sleep.

Doctor Harrison out.

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