Chapter 28:

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Songs for Chapter:

Half a Heart - One Direction

You & I - One Direction

Decode- Paramore

Breath- Breaking Benjamin


(I changed my mind this is the last chapter then I will start Daddy Ashton 2. It's about time.)

I wanted nothing than to forget about Nick but he always seems to know how to come in and destroy everything. First he kills Misty but then he tries to kill his own son. It's only a matter of time before he's after me again. No matter how many times we move he somehow finds a way to find us and it's pisses me off. I want him to leave my family alone but until I'm dead I'm pretty sure that won't happen.

Me and Ashton are happy but I think it could be better. Now that Ashton lived up to his promise of helping me start my singing career I've been in the studio more. I have a cd out and it's been out for a year and I'm currently working on my second. I have a band but I'm a solo artist. Ashton doesn't like my bodyguard Blake, he think he wants more and not just to be my body guard. If I said I wasn't attracted to him or thought he was hot then I'd be lying. I was currently in my dressing room getting ready for my first show of my tour. Ashton brought the kids, Ryan and his girlfriend Jane. I figured that they would come later than earlier so I had Blake with me in the room.

Standing in front of the mirror looking over my outfit I see Blake walk up to me. "What are you" I start but get cut off by him kissing me. I try to push him away but in that moment Ashton walks in. I hear a gasp and I quickly break away and see Ashton standing there and I can see the tears I know he's fighting away but it's replaced with fury. He rushes to Blake and punches him square in the face "keep your hands off my fucking wife you dick" he yells between punches. "Ashton stop" I yell but he doesn't listen. I see Blake punch Ashton so I charge at them to break it up. As I grab Ashton I am pushed to the ground.

I slid to the floor and look up and see that they've stopped. "Jessica I'm so sorry" Ashton tells me as I stand "I'm ok" I tell him. "Look Ashton I'm sorry he kissed me I don't care about him" I try to reassure him but the look he gives me makes my heart hurt "I don't care if he kissed you I seen you kiss him back it was a second of giving in but you kissed him and I can't handle that" he says turning to walk out. I rush to him and grab him arm but he shrugs me off "Ashton please I'm sorry" I start crying "I'm sorry Jessica but I can't forgive you". I sniff "you can't forgive me but when I was pregnant in the hospital with the twins and that girl kisses you I forgave you" I yell and he turns "that's the thing I didn't kiss back. I'm sorry but kissing is cheating to me besides what would of happened if I hadn't walked in would you have been having sex" he asks and I stay silent because even though I don't want to admit I know it would of happened.

"That silence says everything" Ashton turns and walks out. As the door closes I fall to the ground an break down harder than I ever had before. "Jess I'm sorry" Blake tells me and I glare up at him through the tears "your not sorry Blake you knew I was married to Ashton yet you kissed me. Now get out" I yell "but Jess" he starts but I cut him off "don't call me Jess now get the fuck out" and he does.


A week later:

Me and Ashton were no longer living together. He moved out and Bella went with him. She knows I cheated or was going to and she can't forgive me for that. She won't even talk to me long enough to hear me out. Dylan and Sophia are staying with me but I wish Bella was her. I have no desire to end the marriage but I've hurt Ashton enough so I want out before i hurt him more. My intentions upon falling in love with Ashton was to never hurt him but I did and I can never take that back it hurts so much knowing I caused this.


Sorry that this is suckish. I haven't posted due to the fact that I take my driving test tomorrow and I've been having panic attacks all week.

This part is done I'm starting Daddy Ashton 2 this week and I'm excited. basically this chapter was to kick start the second book. if you haven't already put Daddy Ashton 2 in your library!

Love ya, Jenni!!✌️

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