Chapter Eight

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Maye's P.O.V.

The last bell of the day sounded off throughout the building, and I was already all set to leave. I push my chair back under my desk, and wave goodbye to the teacher on the way out of the classroom. He waves back with a smile.

I make my way down the hall and to my locker, and put my books inside. I double check that I have all the books I need for tonight, which I do, then I close my locker.

Everyone's trying to leave school right now, so the exit is extremely backed up. It's like a stampede of bulls all trying to run to the red blanket at once. I stay back by my locker while I wait for it to clear out. I decide to pull out y new book and read it, but when I realize I can't read the small print, I close it and put it back in my bag.

"Hey, Maye!" Someone shouts from across the hallway. I look up to see who it is. Matthew.

I lift my hand to wave back, but I notice a blonde pawn of satan standing behind him. My eyes trail to hers, which I see, even from this far away, that they are currently throwing sharp, red hot daggers in my direction. I immediately put my hand down by my side and settle for a small smile to Matthew, fear making me feel paler than I already am.

An unreadable look passes over Matthew's face, but before I could try to comprehend it, it's already gone.

I walk as swiftly as possible toward the door, but only to be stopped by another shout. "Wait up, Maye!" I hear steps getting closer. If they catch me, I'll have to socialize. Again.

Maybe if I walk fast enough, they won't catch me. Contemplating this, I start to speed walk through the hallway. I'm so close to the door. I can make it.

For the sake of being antisocial!

I feel a hand on my shoulder, making me stop dead in my tracks. Shit. I should've sprinted.

"Hey, Maye." The same smile welcomes me, and I find myself smiling back for a slight moment.

"Hi." I mutter.

Soon enough, Taylore catches up with us, and we meet eyes again. Because her stare is too intimidating, I instinctively look down at the grass below us.

I wonder who cuts the grass here. Whoever they are, they do a pretty good job. I wouldn't have the endurance to mow around a high school as huge as this one. That person deserves an award. And they probably own a pretty efficiant weedwacker, because the edges near the sidewalks are perfectly cut, not missing a single piece of grass.

Focus, Maye, focus!

The same squeaky, annoying voice pulls me out of my thoughts. "Hey, Matty, wanna come hang out at my place? We can do whatever you want." She smiles a toothy smile at him while she runs two fingers along his forearm.

I roll my eyes. Yes, speak in code why don't you? It's not like anybody has a single clue that you're planning to get physical with your boyfriend in your basement.
Classy, just classy.

"Sorry, babe, I can't. Maye and I have a project to get started on." He says, and either he doesn't see the fire burning in her dark green eyes, or he's used to her flamable anger. He kisses her cheek, and she forces a sickly sweet smile. I feel a weird feeling in my stomach and I don't like it, so I try to not pay attention to it.

"See you later then." She turns around to leave, but is sure enough to sneak a quick glare at me before she does. Yep, I'm dead meat.

He waves to her while he watches her walk away, then turns to face me. "So, do you walk or usually take the bus?"

"I usually walk." I say slightly more audible. It's half true. I usually walk home, but catch a ride to school. I just didn't want to elaborate. He doesn't care anyway. Why would he?

"Want to take my truck?" He offers.

"Sure." I nod, and he leads me to his motorized vehicle. When we reach it, I let out a low sound or pure awe. He even has a perfect car.

"You like it?" He smiles, adjusting his navy blue book bag on his shoulder.

"Shiny." I breathe out, stepping closer to it. I swear the red material had twinkled like it does in the movies.

He chuckles before climbing in. I pull my eyes away from the truck, and make my way to the opposite door. I open it and climb inside.

I breathe in through my nose. It smells of vanilla and leather, but I wasn't complaining. It was a sort of nice mixture.

I've always liked smelling things. My sense of smell has always been very sharp. Whenever I get a new book, I love smelling it first. I don't know why, but it's just something I've done since I was a kid.

My phone vibrates and I check it. It's a message from Alli.

Wanna hang out? -A

Can't. Project with Matthew. -M

"What kind of music do you like?" He asks as he turns on the radio. I put my phone back in my pocket.

I shrug and fidget my fingers in my lap. People usually don't care what I'm interested in, so I didn't exactly know how to react. Social skill: Level -7.

"We'll find something. Okay?"

I nod again and watch as his nimble fingers move from button to button on the radio. It's a while before he agrees on a station to listen to, but after he does so, he starts to drive out of the school parking lot.

We pass a man walking his dog on the sidewalk. I watch thoughtfully, a small smile etching it's way onto my face. I've always wanted a dog. A German Shepard if I were to choose which breed. They've always interested me, but my step mom thinks dogs are nauseating. She's come to the assumption that they're just another kid to scold, and another mouth to feed.

Mom would've wanted a dog...

"If you don't feel comfortable telling me the directions to your house, just point to the directions when we reach a stop."

"Okay." I say. He was really understanding of my silence for someone on a much higher social level than me, but I wasn't planning to make a fuss about it or anything anytime soon. I just continue to watch everything pass us by outside of the window, while occasionally pointing out turns for Matthew.


༝ I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

༝ Love you guys!

Xx hoodratmuke

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