Chapter Fifteen

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Matthew's P.O.V.

"He was either depicted as either a mature, bearded warrior dressed in battle arms, or a nude beardless youth with a helm and spear." I read aloud from the internet. I insisted to not work on our project today, since it's not due until this Thursday and it's only Monday, but Maye wouldn't budge. She says we really need to get it done, but I think she's just trying to get her mind of the incident that happened Saturday. I couldn't blame her, though. It was pretty rough.

She nods in approval of my words before writing them down in her note book. She's in sweatpants and a hoodie, and her hair's currently in a messy bun. So when she dips her head down to check her notes, a couple strands of hair fall. She still looks beautiful this way.

I blink a couple times to bring me back to focusing, and turn around to read more from the computer screen. "It says here that he had an adulterous affair with Aphrodite. If you want I'll take the notes and you can read this time."

She looks up quickly before shaking her head. "That's okay. I like taking notes."

I roll my eyes. "I'm not making you write the whole time. That's boring."

"Maybe I like being boring!" She declares, but I continue to look at her. After a while of staring, she finally gives in with a sigh. "Fine. Take the stupid notes, Matthew."

I smile victoriously as we both get up and switch places. When I sit down in front of her notes, I grab the pencil beside them. It's warm from the heat if her hands. Her writing is also pretty large. It's neat, but sort of big.

I shrug and look up from them to her, waiting for her to read the story out loud. Maybe she's just scanning it first.

I'm waiting for about eight minutes before finally asking, "You doing okay?"

She nods energetically. "Yeah! I was just -you know- analyzing the story."

I nod back. "Right, sorry. Take your time."

I move my seat next to hers, bringing the notes and pencil with me, and watch her read. Her eyes squint and appear to be straining to read the somewhat small text on the computer screen. My eyes slightly widen in realization.

"Are you having trouble reading?" I ask.

She looks at me, trying to appear appalled, but I can see right through it. The worry in her eyes tell me everything I need to know.

"I think we should go get you an eye test." I declare.

"Right now?" She looks at me, eyes as if they were looking at me through a magnifying glass.

I nod. "Right now."

"But-but the project."

"Its not due until Friday, Maye, calm down." I say, takin her by the hand and literally dragging her out of her own house.

Maye's P.O.V.

I try to ignore the familiar burning sensation running through my hole entire right arm while Matthew pulls me into his truck and drives me to the eye doctor.

I've known that my eyes were a little messed up for a while now, but I never thought I wouldn't be able to read text from a computer. It's never been like that before.

I sigh while I watch things pass outside the vehicle window. What if I have to get glasses? Nobody will ever talk to me again, and I'll for sure get bullied by everyone at school, maybe even Matthew after he sees what a fool I look like in all the different glasses. This is going to be complete and utter torture.

My breath catches in my throat when register that we've reached our destination. I look at Matthew for the first time since we've been in the truck and he looks back at me, giving me an encouraging smile that said 'you're going to be fine'. I tried to believe it and climbed out.

We got inside the building, and I see doctors everywhere. One in a colorful uniform walks by, smiling a soft smile, but I can still feel the judgement encircling me. I look around hurriedly for Matthew, and I exhale in relief when I see him coming inside.

"You haven't checked in yet?" He asks quietly. I shake my head in response.

He nods knowingly, like he understands, before putting his hand on the small of my back and pushing me slightly to make me walk to the desk.

A tall male doctor walks over to the other side of the desk to greet us. He has black hair, and I would've guessed he was Asian if it weren't for his tan skin and his voice that told me he was clearly Australian.

He flashes us a smile. "Hi, how can I help you?"

His eyes land on me, making me think he's speaking to me. "Um, uh, we-" I fumble for words, the anxiety of telling someone about my problems eating me alive. I never really liked talking to doctors. My mom used to do that for me.

"We're here for her. She wants to take the eye test." Matthew cuts in. I look at him appreciatively before returning my focus to the doctor.

The doctor nods. "Alright. Just follow me, okay?"

I nod. "Okay."

He leads us to a small room. While I walk, I decide to keep my head down. I don't want anyone from school to see me. I'd never hear the end of it.

The doctor asks me to stand on the blue piece of tape in the center of my room. After doing so, he gives me something to cover one eye with. He tells me to read as far as I can with my left eye covered. I have to do my usual squint, but it still doesn't help the situation. Then, I do the right eye and come through with the same problem.

The doctor nods while he writes on the clip board he has been holding the whole time. He then stands up and tells us that he'll be right back. I sit down next to Matthew while I wait.

"No matter what happens, you're going to be fine." He assures me, and I nod slightly. Will he still be my friend if I have to get glasses? I tell myself yes, though mildly doubtful.

The same doctor strolls back into the room and sits in a seat on the other side of the room. "Miss. Norris will in fact need glasses," he starts, and I feel like my throat is sinking into my stomach. Why me?

I look at Matthew, and he's nodding. The doctor continues. "and if you like, you guys could shop for some here."

"Sure." Matthew answers. I roll my eyes. I feel like he's parenting me.

Then it dawns on me. "No, we can't."

Matthew raises a brow. "Why not?"

"I don't have any money with me." I whisper.

He chuckles. "I'm paying for them, Maye. Calm down."

"I'm not letting you pay for my glasses." I make a stand.

He rolls his eyes. "You can buy me ice cream or something later, now let's go."

I sigh before nodding at the doctor to lead us. I feel slightly embarrassed for forgetting that he was there and probably listening to our whole dispute about money. Nevertheless, we follow him to the booth that has glasses that fit my vision.


༝ Love you guys!

༝ Stay tuned for chapter sixteen!

Xx hoodratmuke

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