Chapter Fourteen

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Maye's P.O.V.

I say my farewells before leaving Alli's house and heading to my house. Nobody's home, so Matthew and I decided to go ahead and meet there.

When I reach my house, Matthew's car is already parked in the front. I wave at him from outside his car, and he returns it before climbing out. He offers me a smile smile and I give him one back.


"Hi," I reply.

I unlock the door, we walk in, and head to our usual spot: my room, of course. We sit in our usual beanbag chairs, and have a little bit of small talk before cutting to the actual chase.

"I didn't do it." He states, and I search his urgent, but solemn green eyes. He appears truthful, but I've never been one that was very skillful of trusting others.

"I want to believe that, but-" The vibration of my phone stops me in the middle of my sentence. I pick it up and check my message. It's from Alli.

Hey, I wanna tell you something. Both of you can meet me at my house?.-A

Sure. -M

My eyes find Matthew's. "Alli knows something."

He looks at me warily before replying. "Okay.."

I stand up. "Well, come on. We have to meet at her house."

He gets up from the comfy chair with much dismay. This may be urgent, but the chairs are still amazing.

We make our way down the steps and out of my house. I lock the door behind us.

"You know the way, right?" He asks.

I shake my head and say with much sarcasm, "No. I don't know the way to my best friend's house." I turn to lock the door before starting down the sidewalk.

While we walk, we share a long moment of silence. Instead of being social, I let my eyes wander the things surrounding us, and notice that one of our neighbors had just planted some new flowers in her garden. The petals were pink and the stems were quite short. They were beautiful.

"Hey, Matthew?" I find myself asking.

He looks up from the ground. "Yeah?"

"Why'd you break up with Taylore?"

His face contorts into a disgusted expression. "I have my reasons."

"Like what?" I start walking closer to him, our arms barely an inch away from touching.

He shrugs, our arms brushing. I try to ignore the heat rushing through my arm and pay attention to what he's saying. "She's either conceded, rude, and jealous. There's no in between, and it just wasn't right."

I exhale. Thank god it wasn't because of me. "Isn't jealousy sort of a healthy thing to have in a relationship?"

"In a way. But it's not healthy when she's only jealous of me working with my friend on a stupid project."

I chuckle, the warmth filling me from hearing someone actually think of me as their friend. It was a good feeling, and I could definitely get used to it. "Speaking of that "stupid project", we still need to finish the paper."

He nods. "Right. Sorry I haven't been there to help you for the past couple of days. A lot was going on. You know?"

I copy his actions. "Yeah, because I'm so popular that I can understand from experience." He chuckles. "Don't worry about it."

After about 15 minutes of chatting, we reach Alli's house. Honestly, I'm afraid to go inside and find out what she knows.

Without knocking, since her parents aren't home, I open the door and walk inside, being followed in closely by Matthew.We make our way toward the stairs and start up them. One we find Alli's room, we walk insde and she's sitting on her bed. She looked like death, and didn't even seem to care.

"What's wrong, Alli?" I ask, sitting down next to her.

She looks up at me slowly, my eyes searching her glassy ones, before looking away again. "You're gonna be upset with me and never start to me again." I look at Matthew for help, but he's too busy looking anywhere but at Alli.

"Just tell me." I push her slightly.

She glaced at me again, and then spilled. "I did it." was all she said.

"What do you mean you did it?"

"I'm the one that wrote the note and made you think that Matthew stood you up.."

Matthew's P.O.V.

After hearing her confession, I then choose to look at Alli. She's been rubbing tears away from her eys for so long now, that the rim of her eyes are starting to match her hair. I usually can't handle sobbing girls, but I'm too angry with her to even care.

I look at Maye. She looked as if she was surrounded by an aura of grey, stormy. She was now gaping at her (or so she thought) best friend.

"Why would you do that?" Her voice cracks, and I can tell she's completely broken by the fact that someone like Alli would do that to her. I stand there awkwardly and watch the scene in front of me. I don't want to interupt.

The red head was silent, not even bothering to explain. She knows what she did was wrong.

I just hope she says the right things, because -telling from her face- Maye's not willing to take any of her bullshit.

Maye's P.O.V.

"Why would you do that?" I don't even bother stopping the crack in my voice. I'm too upset by this to care. I'm feeling a mixture of emotions- anger, sadness, betrayal. When I look at the girl in front of me, I don't see my best friend. I see one less person for me to trust.

"I..I.." She struggles. "I just missed hanging out with you. I felt like Matthew was stealing you from me, so I tried to make him look like a huge asshole so you wouldn't hang out with him anymore."

I felt like there was a hole in my chest. Have I been avoiding my best friend to spend time with some guy that has just started taking interest in me? Am I really that horrible of a friend?

I pull her into a hug. "I'm sorry, Alli. I didn't mean to avoid you. I've just been busy with the project and all."

Yeah, the project.

She nods and puts her arms around me also. "It's alright."

We smile at each other, but I can tell hers is as fake as mine. I'll never be able to look at her the same way again, no matter what the reason of her actions were.


༝ Hope you enjoyed!

Xx hoodratmuke

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