Chapter Ten

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Maye's P.O.V.

"See you later." I offer a small smile.

"Bye, Maye." Matt smiles back at me. He makes his way out of my house, but stops momentarily and looks at me. "How do you get to school?"

"Allie usually takes me. Why?"

"I was wondering if maybe you want me to take you sometime." He suggests.

I want to say yes, but the idea of getting brutally murdered by Taylore comes to mind and I hesitate. "I don't think that's such a great idea."

"It's not because of Taylore. Is it?" He asks, practically reading my mind. Ugh, why does he do that?!

I laugh nervously. "No, that's not why."

"Great. Then I'll see you tomorrow morning, Maye." He winks at me again, and my hand shoots out to swat his arm.

"Stop winking at me!" Whenever he winks at me, I get this weird feeling in my stomach. I always forget what I'm talking about and it's getting annoying.

He chuckles, obviously amused. "I can't help that I'm a distraction to you."

I roll my eyes as I push him out of my house. "Goodbye Matthew."

"See y-" I slam the door in his face before he can say anymore.

I find myself yawning and heading to bed, after brushing my teeth of course. I can't let that popcorn sit on my teeth all night.

My phone vibrates and I'm reminded that I hadn't checked my messages I had received earlier when I was with Matthew. I open my phone and check them.

They're all from Taylore, except for one. The other one isn't in my contacts list. I decide to check Taylore's first.

Bet you enjoyed ogling over my boyfriend didn't you? -T

What part of STAY AWAY don't you get bitch? -T

He would never go after a slut like you anyways. -T

My stomach drops at the last one. I mean, I don't feel that way about Matthew, but it still hurts that she called me a slut. She calls me things all the time, but it still brings pain. It hurts less and less each time to the point where I'm numb. It's like being stabbed with a needle in the same place over and over. You get used to the pain, but it doesn't mean it's gone.

I try to forget about it and move on to the other message.

Hey, friend.(:

Since when do I have friends?
Who's this?




I find myself smiling slightly. I took that as a yes and went to sleep, not bothering to answer his message. I'll see him tomorrow anyway.


This morning, I actually woke up pretty early. Which is sort of weird, because I never do that. I decide to go with it, and get ready for school. If I go back to sleep, then I won't wake up for another hour.

I decide to wear my Beetles t-shirt and an old ripped pair of jeans with my scuffed converse. When I'm braiding my hair into a loose braid, I hear a knock on my front door downstairs.

I make my way down the steps and open to door, only to come face to face with Matthew. He's dressed in a hoodie, jeans, and a beanie. He looks ... good. But in a casual way. It seems like something only he could pull off as well as he is.

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