Our Goodbyes

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Peeta P.O.V

I spent the night in Katniss's hospital room when everyone went home. I feel horrible since I caused this mess I mean she never kisses Gale back, I overreacted and caused this. I ruined her life and she could possibly die. I decide to say my final goodbye. I kiss Katniss one last time as my goodbye forever. I grab a pen and paper and write:


When you wake up I'll be gone. I can't watch you getting hurt anymore. All I do is hurt people, I hurt you....you that's something I could never forgive myself. When I read your letter on how you tried to die because you saw me with Delly and it turns out I'm going to be a father. I've always wanted kids but not like this....I want to a father and marry someone I love......that person will forever be you Katniss. When I saw Gale kissed you....jealousy filled inside me...and that's why I went to Delly. Im sorry........you should be, I really was the asshole and I'll love you forever. I can't stand hurting you anymore so I have to leave.....don't worry I'm not leaving the world. I'll be here just not with you. You'll always be in my heart and don't forget that I need you......

Yours Truly,


With that I leave. I plan to run away but first I go to Katniss's house. When I reach her room it's clean. I see that there's a book on her bed. I walk over and see a scrapbook with a picture of me and Katniss. I open it to see what was in there.

It had a bunch of pictures of us together. There was a picture of me in my car driving with my face out the window with my tongue out the window like a dog. Below she wrote: My silly babe actin like a dog.

Then there's another picture of us kissing.......well actually a lot of them were of us kissing but there's one 2 spaces left......spaces that she probably won't be able to fill.......ill be gone and hopefully she'll still be alive. When I flip to the next page there's page that is titled:

Our Future Together

I guess there won't be any of that..I sigh loud because I know that we'll never see each other again. With that I pack my bags and leave to this place called California.

Katniss P.O.V

What is this place? I'm surrounded by darkness, I hear voices.....I'm I driving crazy?!? No it can't be. I walk endlessly in a tunnel........

10 Hours Later

Seriously where the crap does this shit end! I see a light! THANK GOD! I run but I'm getting pulled back by something. I turn and look and see Peeta. I stop and see Peeta in my room. He has tears running down his face and he's holding my scrapbook I made of us.....crap I'm in deep shit.....Well we have no future....ill be dead and gone and he'll have Delly. I see the note he's writing and I can't look at it or ill cry. He says he'll miss me, it still hurts to see him cry. I have to get out of here to see Peeta.......sorry correction-

My Peeta


Okay so I will write tomorrow, too. Love you guys 😘

Predict what will happen next bye bye.

Don't forget to....




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