Light Overcomes the Dark

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Big help from alishaa678 so dedicating this to her. So next week I will be having another person to dedicated a chapter to so comment a lot I don't care if you spam me just not to much okay and the person I will choose next has to vote my chapters and write your opinion of the story and what you think should happen next. love you all enjoy 😘

Katniss P.O.V
When I turn back, the light is gone. Looks like we're back to square 1, darkness. I see another image next to me, it shows me lying in a hospital room and a bunch of people I don't know. I look around to see if anything is around me but its just black. The only think that's lighting up the place is this image. I reach my hand to touch it and it sucks me in the timeframe.

I tap a girl on the shoulder but she just stays the way she is. She has black short hair with a dash of red. She's crying.......I look and The girl looks up and it's Johanna. Whole crap she actual has feelings?!
"Katniss just wake up and this will all be over" she cries out.

"Johanna I'm right here" I touch her kneel infront of her but when I put a hand on her knee I fall......through her.. wait what?! I put my hand through Johanna's head.........okay this is disturbing. I look back at my unmoving body. I walkover and touch my hand and I'm sucked into to my body. I open my eyes

"Johanna, I'm back bitch" I say while smiling.
She screams and hugs me.
"Don't you make a fuckin move ill be right back."
"Wait Johanna where is everybody?"
"Well Brainless you've been in a coma for just about 7 months."
"Wait what?!"
"Johannaa........wheres Peeta?"

Peeta P.O.V
Delly and I have moved to California. We stay at different places but we still occasionally see each other since she is carrying my baby. She's always complaining and saying how fat she is and it's true she is fat I mean seriously she can't be that preg- I mean it all just the baby.

Ever since I moved here, Katniss has always been on my mind....I've tried stopping it but feelings have free will. Maybe I should ask Finnick how they're doing......maybe I should just face my fear and just go back.......god I'm a wimp ill text Finnick later. The old group tries to text me but I can never pull myself up to respond.
I've started a bakery here and so far it's doing well. I go to school still everyday but I have my parents help me. I've found a girl that is beautiful....not as much as Katniss but in the so-so range. She has the personality of Katniss too. I guess you could call her Katniss's twin. Her name is Margret but I call her Mar. She does have a bitch side to her......scratch that a big side so not exactly like Katniss but physical features she is almost exactly alike. I miss everyone back home but this is my new home.

"Hey babe, what's bothering you?"
"Nothing just thinking of Kat-..........cats."
"Oh....okay...well let's do something this."
"Like wh-" She cuts me off by her lips......I don't feel fireworks but I mean I guess.

*You have a new voice mail*

Jo-Hey Lover Boy.......Its awkward to talk to you but that's not the reason I came to talk to you......Im not sure if you want bad news or good news first I'll tell you good first. She's awake......actually just woke up.....but.....Peeta......I'm not real sure how to say this but she asked you where you were.....Since you never answer any of us, you wouldn't know but I hope you and Delly are happy. I know you probably won't even read this but Peeta" you can start to hear her cry" We need you took, we all do....if you don't want to visit or listen to us.....think of Katniss....She has no idea what happened in these past 7 months. Picture that Peeta, and tell us where you are.........please."

*End of message*
I can't think straight I really can't. I want to see them but not like this. How can I look them in the eye after all these things I've done to them. I need to talk to Delly.

When I arrive at her house....sjes no here weird. I guess I'll just go back home and try later. Fuck that I'm going to get drunk tonight I'm heading to a bar.

Katniss P.O.V
In these past days, its kind of hard to remember things. I just remember Peeta....writing him that note, no one has told me where's he at. I'm curious maybe he took my death wish and is actually with Delly. I don't know, anything to make him happy. I really can't remember what everyone looks like. I feel sick inside. Ugh. Yes! The Dr. is finally here.

"Hello Katniss my name is Dr. Cartwright and ill be taking care of you for a long time."
She walks over to me and holds out a needle with some sort of liquid connected to it. She jabs it in my neck and the world seems fuzzy......Hey it's a unicorn.........with a double rainbows and cookies.

When I wake up I'm in yet another room with one door and no windows. fuck! I try to open the door but its locked. I look around for some escape but nothing.

The door opens and it's my favorite person. Delly fuckin Cartwright. Wait she's the doctor ohhhhhhhhh shithead! And yet again she injects me with something again and the world is all unicorns pooping skittles out of their ass.

Surprisingly I wake up tied to the bed. Delly sits in a chair right next to me.
"Look the bitch finally woke up."
"Who are you calling bitch when your the bitch who kidnapped me?!"
"Wrong answer!!"
She stabs me with a knife and leaves it there. I feel the warm liquid run down y stomach and it starts to suddenly get harder for me to breathe. She takes out another knife and cuts me and stabs me everywhere. I can't take the pain anymore and pass out.

Delly P.O.V
Little prick! She doesn't realize what she's in for. Hahaha just wait and see Everdeen! Since I am pregnant it's harder to move but I have caring Peeta to be my slave. Hahhaha what fools I have. Just wait and see what I have for round 2 but there's worse I could do that will happen later......

How was that???

Predict people and help continue the story...




Do you guys want me to write any other fan fics????

Update tomorrow and need you guys to get me at least 10 votes before I write again.
Bye bye and forever EVERLARK!

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