chapter 43

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I'm sick again the next morning. Violently. I make so much noise, I wake Mike up. Believe me, that takes some doing. I come out of the bathroom and stumble straight into him.

"Why are you lurking outside the bathroom?" I ask, jokingly.

"Have you got something to tell me, young lady?" he jokes back.

"Get everyone else up then and you'll see" I say. I go back to our room and Tony is just waking up.

"Mike just heard me being sick. I think he's guessed" I tell him. "He's waking up Vic and Jaime - we need to tell them."

I get dressed, noticing my jeans are already feeling a bit tighter. We go downstairs to find the guys already there, Becky perched on Jaime's knee.

"When are you due then?" asks Vic.

"August" says Tony.

"Oh my god, I'm gonna be an uncle" shouts Mike, grinning like a maniac.We get hugs and congratulations off everyone and I smile. I can do this I think to myself.

The whole pregnancy becomes easier soon, when the morning sickness eases off. We've told Tony's family and his mum and sister have. met my parents and aunt. Our mums have become pretty good friends.

We celebrate being together a year by going out for a meal. My bump isn't too big yet so I wear a pretty printed maxi dress and sandals. We go to a really pretty restaurant near the beach. When we've eaten, we go for a walk along the beach. Tony has his arm around me when he suddenly stops.

"Charlotte, the last year has been the most amazing time of my life. I want to spend the rest of my life with you and baby." He drops down on one knee.

"Will you marry me?"

I wasn't expecting that. I pull him up off the sand and wrap my arms around his neck. I kiss him passionately.

"Yes" I whisper back. He places a sapphire and diamond ring on my finger. It's beautiful. I start crying, not with sadness but because I'm slightly overwhelmed and my hormones are everywhere.

"I would love to Tony Perry" I whisper.

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