All is well that ends well... (Epilogue)

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So, finally we are here with the epilogue to draw curtains to this story completely... Sorry for being late...  Thank god, the cvs didn't turn up munni as a villain... Happy to see abhigys's romance after a long time....

 Happy to see abhigys's romance after a long time

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Such an adorable and cute couples... Oh my god!!!! What a romance... Great performance... 👏👏👏👏👏... Im getting crazy on seeing their romance and Im watching it uncountable number of times. . I know many are like me only.... 😊😊😊😊

Im feeling like watching it happening in  real n no one can say it to be an acting... Abhi and pragya you both rocked and wanna see more love between you two... The desperate abhi and blushy pragya are worth a watch... 😊😊😊😊..

Now zipping my mouth n lets go to our epilogue:

Abhi runs in a jiff and holds pragya in his embrace who falls unconscious all of a sudden... Abhi shouts fuggy and pats her cheeks...  Everyone rushes there on hearing abhi's loud scream.... Mithali bhabhi brings water and abhi hits the water in pragya's face to make her awake...

Slowly pragya opens her eyes... Abhi kisses her forehead and hugs her tightly.... Abhi is very scared and he didn't wished to see pragya like that  after all that happened in their lives..... Pragya is holding abhi's shirt and crying vigorously...

As all are busy in asking pragya what's going on, no one notices that another person there is also in the same condition of pragya... Hot tears are rolling from purab's eyes and he can't say what exactly his condition is...

Purab rushes out from the house without minding anyone or anything and all he want is to confirm whether it is happening for real or is he hallucinating... Tears were rolling non stop from his eyes and his mind is filled with many questions...

Purab drives the car very fast .. His mind is haunted with various emotions... His heart is beating fast and he wants that phone call to be real... Purab's lips curved to a happy smile and he prays to god to make it happen in real...

 Purab's lips curved to a happy smile and he prays to god to make it happen in real

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Abhi makes pragya to drink water and pats her back... Pragya is hugging abhi and is crying very hard...

Interruption In Our Pure Love - Abhigya 5 shots By CrazyMahiz..(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now