Chapter 3 - New Old Ally

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"(Y/N)!" Erza said in a surprised tone. You ran into her arms because you haven't seen her in 11 years. Both of you were shedding tears of joy.

"Erza, I missed you a lot," said (Y/N).

"Me, too! Where have you been al this time and how did you gain so much power?!?!" Erza questioned frantically.

"Well, I was wandering and apparently attacked here. Also I was adopted by Neimra a few years ago."

Flash Back lol (You can skip the backstory on your Character)

"No! Daddy! Mommy! Help me!" You screamed, yelled, and kicked as scary-looking guards dragged you by the collar. You watched your parents run away without looking back. You watched your village be engulfed in red flames.
The guards threw you into a cage with some other kids. A girl was crying while two boys was trying to calm her down, along with other children sitting in silence. A few minutes later, the men returned with a red headed girl who was trying to make the men let go of her. You thought she was really pretty with a scarlet-colored hair. You watched as she was shaking the bars that contain you inside. She was trying to get people's attention to set her free. She soon gave up and sat down with the others, and a blanket covered the cage.
After a few hours, you could hear the waves crashing on to rocks. The cage was lifted and you heard a boat whistle. Because of this silence, you thought of the idea of asking the girl's name. You looked up and she was sitting across from you. She was looking down, quietly sobbing.
You said,"umm.. h-hi. W-what's your na-"
Before you could finish, she looked up and glared at you. You felt intimidated and kept quiet until the boat horn was blown again, meaning that you have arrived where ever you are. The cages was carried somewhere and the blankets were removed. You looked up and you saw a huge room that looks like it was made of crystals and a man stood in front of about 30 cages filled with children and some adults. Then the man started to talk.
"Hello. All you are gathered on a deserted island. You will be working to build the TOWER OF HEAVEN!!! It's tower where we can resurrect the all mighty ZEREF. Zeref is our savior. We are expecting you all to praise him and build the tower. You are not allowed to leave, but in return you will have food and sleeping quarters. Guards take them to their cells."
You were placed in a cell with four other girls, five boys, and an old man who was very nice. You soon learned and befriend Young Erza, along with Millianna, Simon, Shô, Wally and Jellal. You have been working until the age of six when a riot broke out. Erza was very inspiring that day and encouraged everyone to fight back. You picket up a spear that was dropped on the floor while Erza went to go get Jellal, who was acting different. You learned from others how to use a weapon. Rob, which you learned was the old man, said that you were gifted in weapons wielding. Erza came back crying and fell. A guard shot something and Rob dove in and took the hit from a magic spark. He passed away from the hit. Erza was mad and all of a sudden she picked up weapons without touching them. The weapon had a purple aura coming from them. This intimidated all of the guards who ran. Jellal walked out and blackmailed Erza. Erza turned around and left. A year later you ran away and washed up on shore a few days later.
When you woke up it didn't look like magnolia or Earth Land. You wandered into the forest the you passed out due to lack of food and being exhausted.
You woke up in a cave with the sound of fire. You had a blanket on you in a small bed. The cave was huge.
You got out of bed and wandered out of the cave. You were greeted by a beautiful blue dragon.

(Color and some details would go with the body shape of the next picture.)


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She said her name was Neimra and noticed how you survived the ocean

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She said her name was Neimra and noticed how you survived the ocean. She transported you to the dragon realm because she deemed you worthy. A red dragon approached with a little boy with pink hair that looks older than you. She introduced himself.
"Hi there. My name's Natsu! What's your name?"

"Um... My name is (Y/N)."

The red dragon spoke.
"Well, it's nice to meet you. I'm Igneel, Natsu's dragon. And don't worry, I won't eat you."

Neimra said, "Yes, (Y/N), I want to ask if you want to stay with me to learn magic. It's that okay with you?"

"Yes please!"

For about 7 years, you have been learning the magic of the Water Dragon Slayer. You also spent a lot of time getting to know Natsu and fight him. It was a good time.

July 7, 777, your life changed. You woke up with a letter next to you:

Dear (Y/N),
Im have business to take care of. I'm afraid I won't be able to see you again. I want to tell you, that you are a great pupil and daughter. I hope you keep training and watch after Natsu for me and Igneel. I love you and miss you.
Signed Water Dragon, Neimra

After reading the letter, you turned to wake up Natsu, but he wasn't there. You got up, packed essentials, including the letter, and set out to find Neimra, Igneel, and Natsu. You were worried for Natsu.

A few years later, you learned how to be independent and how to cook, clean, and garden because of a small job at an inn. You learned some more academics. You met a nice old lady and her grand daughter. They were very kind to you and were grateful. When you turned 17, you left the inn and set out to continue your search. You wandered into a forest when you were attacked from behind and passed out.

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