Chapter 2

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A/N - (H/C) means Home county in this chapter, it may change in others.


You made it. At long last you finally got to the University. You were almost two hours late for your morning lecture but at least you were going. Your mind continued to flicker between assignment work and The Blonde One - Jae. As you reached the lecture room, students began spilling from the double doors. They all gave you odd looks as you pushed past them to get to it.

If you were still in the UK you knew they would have been staring at you because the lecture had just finished and you were supposed to be leaving the hall - however in Korea you knew they were staring because you were a foreigner, some odd concept to them apparently. You ignored the dirty and curious looks and continued to push through.
The professor was just packing up the things from his desk. He looked up as he heard a pair of feet rushing down to him. His expression soured when he laid eyes on you.

"Didn't bother attending again today?" His attitude didn't surprise you, from day one Professor Jihyung had it out for you.

"I would have liked to but I got caught up."

"That's a new excuse, what will it be tomorrow? 'I was late because of who I am as a person' oh," he cackled in your face, "Wait you've already used that one haven't you?"

You ignored his jeering and jibes, "look I'm sorry, I'm trying I swear. I've even finished this assignment already." You brought forth a black folder with your entire project inside.

He looked down at you, and took the folder. "Doesn't mean anything if you have no idea what's been happening in the lectures - how else are you supposed to learn? You're very talented, but you're a foreign idiot who has no concept of hard work and study."

You winced at the verbal abuse, you wanted to yell back at him - arguing that you attend university while balancing three jobs on your shoulders, but you knew he wouldn't care. The only reason you had so many jobs was because of this horrible abuse you received for being foreign. You couldn't live in the dorms after having your room turned upside down and half of your belongings thrown from the forth floor window.
You had your own flat that you had to pay for, along with the food and utility bills. Not to mention university things, clothes and other luxuries.

It was plain exhausting.

He sneered at you, and roughly shoved a stack of paper to your chest. "This weeks notes, I presume you won't be attending any other lectures - as per usual."

You bowed your head as he stomped past you. The door slammed behind him. You looked at the notes sadly, you couldn't read or write Korean terrifically well. He knew this and continued to give you the notes in Hangul. You felt as though you partly deserved it however.

Even though you knew there was a time and place for daydreaming- and this certainly wasn't it - you found your mind wondering back to him. Jae. You bit your lip and the thought of seeing him again this evening. You wanted to hear his soft singing voice as it filled your ears. You also wanted to take more pictures of his astonishingly photogenic face.

There was something about him that you knew would have you constantly begging for more of his attention.
After a moment of pondering carefully, you pulled out your phone and began to type the name of his band into the search bar.


A Wikipedia page came up - they were categorized as a rock band. You looked at their list of achievements, for a band that had only been around for 2 years they had a pretty decent list. Their names all came up, their company, everything you would want to know as a fan of the band. But that's not what you were after.
You wanted a more personal perspective on them, Jae specifically. It was at that moment that you decided that you would get to know him better.

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