Chapter 6

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Jae - as it turned out - was a very good cook. After the awkward incident this morning, he offered to make you breakfast. You agreed, despite not usually being a lover of breakfast.
You sat on the sofa, waiting and scrolling through your Instagram but the smell coming from the dinky kitchen caught your senses.
You found yourself walking towards the place Jae stood curiously, he heard you coming and threw a smile over his shoulder at you.

"That smells good Jae, what is it?"

"Well I wasn't sure what to make, British cuisine is a little different from what Americans and Koreans eat - but I have internet access." He searched through a drawer and pulled out a spatula, "So I thought why not google some recipes for British breakfasts?"

He put the spatula in the frying pan and flipped an egg over, he put the spatula back on the side.

"I hope you like egg, bacon and sausage sandwiches - or as the British call them 'butties'" he grinned at you and you laughed.

"I absolutely love them!" You walked over to him, inspecting the frying pan carefully. He'd used the leftover oil and fat from the bacon and sausages to cook the eggs - the best way to do it - and put the sausage and bacon into soft white rolls. Jae had cooked a lot of food, he must have been making for everyone in the apartment.

"I don't have any of that brown sauce you brits are mad for though," he started scooping the eggs out of the pan and putting them into the rolls.

You fake gasped and gave him an offended look, "Sacrilege!"

He giggled at you, "You're weird,"

"Hey! So are you!" He put his arm around you and pulled you into a side hug, you felt his laughter reverberating in his chest.

"Something smells good in here," Wonpil was slowly shuffling into the kitchen, sleepily rubbing his eyes. He saw Jae hugging you and smiled softly.
"Morning (Y/N), what's Jae cooking?"

You decided in that moment that you liked Wonpil the most.

"Something I would have for breakfast or lunch at home - a bacon, egg and sausage butty," you saw Wonpil look at you with a confused smile, "we call sandwiches butties at home, well - sometimes. It depends on what's in them."

Wonpil laughed, "Sandwiches for breakfast? That sounds bizarre."

"The British are very bizarre," Jae moved his arm from your shoulders, "Wonpil could you let everyone know that food is ready and if no one comes to get it in the next ten minutes me and (Y/N) will eat it."

Wonpil laughed and went back into his room.
You turned back to Jae, he was looking at you with an expression you didn't know him well enough to recognize. He stared at you like that for a while. His lips cocked up in a smirk and your heart melted, you heard Wonpil out in the hall and decided to make a move before he came in. Quickly, you left a chaste kiss at the corner of Jae's mouth.

Even at the age of 21 your heart fluttered as your lips touch his soft skin. Jae inhaled sharply, he turned his head so your foreheads pressed together. You both stared, unable to voice the sudden and overwhelming rush of emotion you felt, his chin tilted forward as though he wanted to kiss you back but Wonpil's voice brought you back to reality.

Carefully you pulled back, his hand grabbed yours. Stopping you from moving away but conveying the understanding that you two couldn't very well make out in the kitchen he shared with 4 other men - especially when you two hadn't drawn any lines concerning your relationship.

You mentally caught yourself. Relationship? Since when?

"Jae I heard you've been cooking wacky British food," Jae gave you one last look, promising an intense conversation later, then smiled at the owner of the voice.

"I've been inspired by a wacky British person, what can I say?" He started handing plates out, the boys filed out of the kitchen and all plopped down on the small sofa, the only place left to sit was the small pouffe and the floor.

"(Y/N) you sit on footstool and I'll sit on the floor,"

"The what?"

"The footstool. The white thing that you put your feet on."

"That's a pouffe."

Jae looked at you shaking his head in disbelief, "what version of the English language are you using?"

"The correct one," you sat on the pouffe, Jae sat on the floor in front of you, his head resting between your legs.

Appreciative hums ran through the room as everyone ate. You felt nostalgia run through you, Jae cooked this just like your mum does.
"Jae this is so good, tastes exactly like my mums."

"I'm glad." He grinned at you.


"So!" Dowoon put his plate down, every single plate was empty. "Jae are you going to introduce your girlfriend to Sungjin and Brian?"

One of Jae's hands was massaging your ankle, when the word girlfriend penetrated the silence his hand froze. You also choked on the mouthful of coffee that was halfway down your throat. You spluttered wildly and tried to recompose yourself. It took a few minutes but when you did Jae spoke for you.


"Yeah. I mean, you two do seem awfully close." He looked at the hand Jae had on your leg, Jae kept it there - the expression on his face seemingly somewhat indignant.

"It's nothing that we wouldn't see you and Wonpil doing."

Poor Wonpil choked on thin air. Dowoon seemed flustered but carried on relentlessly. "That's what we call a bromance, when it's a guy and a girl it's generally a -"

"So (Y/N), Jae said you're into photography?" The last member that you didn't meet last night sat on the sofa next to Dowoon, Brian covered Dowoon's mouth and glared at him. "Oh I'm Sungjin by the way, you were sleeping when I got home last night."

"Oh, it's nice to meet you Sungjin." You bowed your head at him, "I'm a huge fan of photography, but I study fine arts so I'm just into arts in general." You laughed nervously.

"That's cool. So you do other things?"

"Yeah, I love to paint. Acrylics mostly, they're bold and easy to use. I love to sketch people too."

"That's really cool, you'll have to show us sometime."

You grinned, "Yeah, I'd love to."

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