Chapter 9

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When you had both eaten finished eating, the night began to get cold. Jae saw you shivering and started to pack everything up. You tried to help him pack but he just gave you his jacket and told you to wait for him. You felt tiny in his jacket. It clung to your body, showing each and every curve but the bottom of the jacket was almost at your knees. It was kind of like a dress.

You watched Jae in the moonlight, he held his phone torch in his mouth and tried folding the picnic blanket. He stumbled around a bit and you found yourself smiling one of those soft smiles that people only reserve for their favorite people in the world. Jae had advanced up your small list of favorite people very quickly. It was sudden, your relationship - but sudden relationships where usually the best kind.
Jae sighed loudly, he stood up straight with the picnic basket in one hand and his phone in the other. The torch was pointed to the ground, highlighting the emerald green grass that you had both flattened with your butts.

"You ready to go?"

"Yep. Where are we going now?"

"I don't know actually. Mine or yours? Please bear it in mind however that everyone is home tonight and very probably drunk." You laughed at his worried face.

"Mine it is then."

You both walked back to his car, he put the picnic basket on the floor in the back and opened the passenger door for you. Once you were in, you buckled yourself in and waited for Jae to get in and start the car. He got in, turned the key and the car came to life.

"Do you...uh, want me to stay the night or?" Jae was fiddling with his seatbelt nervously as he asked you this question. His cheeks turned somewhat pink, you bit your tongue and thought hard before giving a response.

You definitely did want him to spend the night, but what would happen between the two of you? As a general rule you waited until at least the third date before allowing any intimacy, but Jae was different to everyone before. The way he cared for you was a confirmation that no matter what you did wrong this man would always forgive you and want you back. To be fair, you were the same. A small part of you wanted to say you were falling in love with him but you wanted to be certain before you let anything to do with the 'L' word pass your lips.
Jae was watching you expectantly. The blush on his cheekbones was still lingering, your heart turned into a puddle within your ribcage.

"Do you want to stay?" Your voice was steady but it felt like there was a jackhammer on top of your heart.

"I really want to."

Suddenly, it was as if you were talking about something completely different. Jae's voice became low and almost sultry. It stirred up the butterflies inside of you. There was a double meaning to his words and you both knew it. It was lain out, totally bare for all to see. With a deep, calming breath - you gave your answer.

"Then stay at mine." There was your answer. Both to the actual question that left his lips and to the implied question in the air, a verbal confirmation and a non verbal confirmation.

He swallowed hard, you saw his prominent Adam's apple bob up and down nervously. There was a slight tremor to his hands.

"Well in that case, I'll drop the basket at home and pack a bag."

"I'll stay in the car."

"Okay," He cleared his throat and put the car into gear. Jae looked as though he were going to ask another question for a moment. It passed as he pulled away from the place you were parked.


Two hours later you were pulling up in front of your flat block, the pale yellow building suddenly seemed intimidating and equally exciting. Jae was still beaming red from the incident at his flat. He went to pack a bag to stay at yours but Dowoon (a very drunk Dowoon) was curious as to why he was staying at yours. He followed him down the six flights of stairs persistently asking him where he was going, when Jae got into the car with you Dowoon had drunkenly screamed 'JAE'S GONNA GET LAID'.

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