Chapter 12~ Motionless

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~~Ella' s POV~~

His fists collided with Nash who was lying helplessly on the floor. He now had a bloody nose, which I was assuming was broken and I bet you that his eye would have been black in the morning. He held his hands above his face so it could offer some sort of shield. There was really nothing much he could do in that position.

I watched in horror as he kept hitting him.

"Josh! Stop!" I yelled but that made no affect whatsoever. He kept pounding him like a punching bag. The other girls were exclaiming and shouting too but were still standing in their places.

I decided to take this into my own hands. I ran behind him and tried to pry him off of Nash. I held his arms back and pulled with all my might. I managed to get him to stagger away a few feet.

A staff member walked up to us; probably about to tell us to leave.

"I'm sorry but I am going to have to ask you to leave." He said to Josh placing his hand on his shoulder but Josh shrugged it off almost immediately before compeletely ignoring him.

"Stop stealing my girl!" Josh yelled at him. I held on to him. I knew his anger could get out of hand but I never knew it was this bad. His super strength couldn't be classified as a good thing at that moment and I did not want to see what he was capable of.

In that time, Nash had gotten up and wiped some blood from his nose onto his arm. I flinched at the sight in disgust but did nothing about it.

"I'm not stealing anyone's girl." Nash said looking confused. His eyebrows were slightly furrowed and his voice wavered as if he had no idea what he was talking about.

"Josh, we aren't dating." I said stepping in front of him trying to defend Nash and I. "And neither are we so that was un called for." I called him out on his actions. "I broke up with you, remember?" I reminded him.

~~Fly' s POV~~

Who does Josh think he is!? Barging in here and beating up Ella' s new crush.

There I said it. It's so obvious that she likes him. I mean anyone with eyes could tell. They totally have it in for each other but in a lovely dovey way.

"There is nothing going on between me and Ella so can you leave? You're kinda making a scene." Nash explained anger clear in his voice but he was trying so hard not to let it show. He held his nose from time to time to try and stop the blood from falling from it.

Right now, Nash and Josh were having a sort of intimidating stare off thing and it was bugging me. Ella was trying to tell him to leave but failing miserably.

"Josh! Go! No one wants you here. She broke up with you! Leave, she doesn't love you anymore. She has moved on!" I shouted at him. He needed to leave and know that he had no girlfriend to be the jealous boyfriend over. Ella was never really as strong and hard as she was normally in these situations so I needed to help her.

Josh looked at me for a good few seconds before replying.

"Well... Well, if I can't have her then nobody can!" He  snarled loudly before swirling around to throw a punch at Ella.

His fist hit her cheek and she dropped to the floor cold. Josh stood there looking at her and a sharp gasp escaped my mouth.

"Oh my god!" Treacherous exclaimed covering her mouth with both her hands. She reacted far quicker to what just happened than I did. 

I knew that people had witnessed everything that had happened right now but I could not care less what people thought at the moment.

4...5...6...7...8 seconds passed with us staring at her motionless body.

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