Dear Friends

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A/N: My 2nd shoutout! Thanks to @Debby1017 for being so supportive!

Once again, I don't own the Teen Titans or the images used in the book.


The animal-shifter, alien princess, half robot, and Boy Wonder started walking towards the book until...

"WAIT!" Cyborg startled everyone.

"What now?" Robin asked.

"We should guess what the book is about first!" Cyborg announced.

"Hm...alright." Robin gave his approval, and so did Star and Beast Boy.

"Booyah! I bet that the book is her...diary!" Cyborg smirked.

"Nuh-uh! I think it's where she writes some dark poetry!" Beast Boy disagreed.

"I think she was reading a regular book." Robin simply stated.

"And I believe it's where friend Raven writes down some spells!" Starfire guessed.

Then, they all walked over to Raven's book and...


"It only says her name on the cover," Cyborg observed.

True to his word, the book was a purple book with Raven's name written on the cover in fancy letters.

"Then I guess the only way to know what the book is about is it..." Beast Boy gently lifted the cover.

Once the pages were revealed, the foursome gasped.

"Ugh! Where IS IT!" Raven muttered to herself. She had searched the upper floors of the tower, where she would usually use her book to let out her inner thoughts.

"Well if it's not upstairs...then it must be downstairs..."

Raven headed towards to the kitchen, unaware that her book was already opened by her friends.
(Back to the scene where Raven's friends were opening the book)

"Incredible!" Starfire was the first to comment.

Inside the book were all amazing artwork signed and done by Raven. There were drawings of the team fighting crime, relaxing at the beach, and some sketches of people.

"DAM! (Get it, Percy Jackson fans? Hehe.) These drawings are GOOD!" Beast Boy continued flipping the pages.

Then, they all saw a drawing of a woman and a child. The looked a lot like Raven, but older and long hair. The child looked a lot like Raven, but much younger, like around 6 years old. The drawing showed a story of when Raven was sleeping and the woman was cradling her in her arms while kissing her forehead.

"You don't suppose this is her...mother?" Robin asked.

"I think so..." Beast Boy answered.

"Friends, I no longer feel comfortable looking through this book. It feels wrong to invade Raven's privacy," Starfire looked away from the book.

"Yeah, you should be," a voice appeared out of nowhere.

Raven appeared to where her teammates were and started advancing on them angrily.

"This is MY book, MY memories! You guys shouldn't be invading in MY privacy! I told you to not look at the book!" Raven lectured them.

"W-we're sorry, Raven. We- we just wanted to know more about you." Beast Boy stammered.

"And WHY is that?" Raven glared at him.

"It's just that...since we never really got the chance to spend time with you...we wanted to know more about you. We thought that by looking at this book would give us a connection to you somehow ... and perhaps open to us a bit?" Beast Boy confessed.

The rage in Raven's eyes calmed down.
"But why would you want to spend time with me?"

"Because you're awesome! Even if you don't know're pretty fun to hang out when you're not hiding your emotions." Cyborg answered.

"Correct. Raven, you always hide your emotions for the greater good. But today proved that you can be yourself, without having much fear of breaking something. True, you have broken a couple of things, but those are minor things. Even when your rage reaches its height, no one gets harmed." Starfire explained.

"I-I...." Raven was speechless.

"Raven, remember: you may have been born from evil, but deep inside, you're a hero. " Robin added.

"Thanks guys...." Raven smiled. "You know...maybe you're right. I can feel free to be myself. I promise to be myself, even after this potion wears off."

That last sentence triggered something in Beast Boy's feelings. All of that just wasn't right! "Rae...I have...something to tell you..."

(Gasp! Is he...going to confess his undying love?


Let's see)

"What is it?" Raven asked.

"It's just that...I'm sorry for taking advantage of the potion. I REALLY wanted to know the real you..."

"What do you mean take advantage?"

"You see...the team and I have been planning how to know you better, seeing how it may be an only opportunities to know you best." Robin sighed.

"We're sorry..." Robin, Starfire, Cyborg, and Beast Boy apologized.

"It's...all right...thank you for telling me..." Raven smiled.

"So...what now?" Beast Boy asked once the heavy tension in the air cleared.

" guys said that you wanted to know more about me right?" Raven tilted her head.

"Yeah..." Cyborg replied.

"In that case, how about we all go out for some desert and play a game over there, like 20 questions?" Raven offered.

"Really?" Robin raised an eyebrow.

"Really," Raven confirmed.

"In that case, let's go now!" Starfire took up Raven's offer and headed to the T-Car.

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